Sunday, Mar 09th

Greenacres: The Neighborhood Association and the School

GNAThis letter was written by the Greenacres Neighborhood Association to clarify their role in the decision-making process on the future of the Greenacres Elementary School:

Greenacres Neighborhood Association– A Voice for All

This letter is in response to the recent articles and Op Ed piece regarding the Greenacres Neighborhood Association and Greenacres Elementary School.

First, we would like to take a moment to remind everyone of the role of the Greenacres Neighborhood Association. We are an organization of civic-minded volunteers working to make Greenacres a community with a spirit of neighborliness and cooperation. To this end, we strive to host a variety of community events throughout the year and provide information to our membership that is from the Village, the School District and other community groups. We also provide Greenacres residents with a Town Hall meeting which allows them the opportunity to come and listen to Village and School District leaders and a forum to ask questions.

Over the decades, the GNA has enjoyed quiet gratitude from those in the neighborhood. Whether we are focusing on traffic safety, arranging for the installation of traffic signs or street lights, planting trees and beautifying traffic islands, or burying a time capsule, we see ourselves as a community encouraging neighbors to work together for the betterment of all the residents of Greenacres as a whole.

It is now being suggested that the GNA take on a new role that will involve resolution of differing opinions regarding Greenacres Elementary School. Unfortunately, this is a role that is beyond our scope and purpose and definitely one we are unable to fulfill. The residents of Greenacres whom we have heard from to date already have differing points of view on the topic. There are some who want the larger field saved at any cost, many whose decision will be driven solely by economics, others who believe that any position is premature and more data is needed and those who believe a new building on the field may ultimately be the optimal solution for future generations of Greenacres children, and these are just the opinions that we have heard so far!

We have been asked by the School District to appoint two people to the Greenacres Building Committee. A committee like this one was created for each of the previous school projects at Edgewood, Heathcote, the middle school and the high school and reports to the School District Administration. This committee will be reviewing the school and its needs. At this point, the GNA has appointed Lynne Clark and former Mayor Robert Steves. These two individuals are open-minded and ready to work collaboratively with all members of the Building Committee, but will not arrive with any preset agenda on what the final outcome should be regarding the school as that is a decision of the School Board. They will also provide the GNA with information about the progress of the committee and its collective thoughts on matters.

The Greenacres Neighborhood Association's role regarding the elementary school is to collect information from the School District and share it with the residents of Greenacres so that each person can be informed with complete and accurate information to make their own decision. We are also working with the School District and hope to host a special Town Hall style meeting where the School District can explain the current situation with the elementary school and Greenacres residents can present their thoughts and ask questions.

Our organization has been around for 104 years. We embrace the opportunity to hear from all Greenacres residents, help them stay informed on issues affecting our neighborhood and build a sense of community with our fun family events. Please contact us at if you have any questions about the Greenacres Neighborhood Association.

Thank you for the opportunity to respond.
Board of Directors

Note: The entire list of all the board members is on the GNA website at Click on the contact page.