Sunday, Mar 09th

SHS Prepares For Peppers Departure

peppers grad

SHS is preparing to say farewell to Assistant Principal Ms. Peppers. Peppers is retiring from her job at Scarsdale High School after 28 eventful years serving the school. Peppers leaves a lasting legacy to Scarsdale community, including international programs, expanded service opportunities, and a global atmosphere at SHS.

Peppers has made lots of friends and bonded with lots of students over her time here. "My fondest memories are just of the really wonderful friendships I have made here with faculty and students," explained Peppers. Peppers has impacted all of the teachers at Scarsdale through her kindness and generosity. Principal Bonamo explained that when he first joined SHS, Peppers made a special effort to make him, "feel like a part of the community. She is a wonderful colleague and exemplar of what a school administrator can be". All of Ms. Pepper's colleagues echoed these sentiments about how encouraging and inclusive she can be. "I have just made wonderful friends while I have been here. I will certainly miss seeing them on a daily basis," shared Peppers.

Ms. Peppers has seen the school through changes and shifts during her 28 years of employment. "The biggest change [in SHS] has been the introduction of technology which has really impacted every aspect of how we do business here. The ability to communicate instantly with people through email has impacted students, along with their improved access to an incredible amount of information, homework assignments and materials from teachers online."

Pepper's biggest contribution to the school has been her many additions to the global programs. "The last few years one of the things I have provided are more global experiences for staff and students. We have greatly expanded our exchange program, we now have exchange programs with France, Spain, Singapore, Germany, China, and Australia", she shared. "Ms. Peppers has done so much work with our global initiatives" expanded Bonamo. "She really takes the time with these programs that are really difficult to manage because you are working with schools that are halfway across the world. She handles all the logistics and works with the exchange families very closely and understands that in the 21st century giving our students a global perspective is so important to their future success and development as human beings". While Peppers is retiring from her current position at SHS, she is not abandoning her role with the global programs. "I am not leaving Scarsdale completely. I will be working as a consultant for the district next year with all of the international programs so I will be doing that," explained Peppers. "I am hoping to see those programs sustain and hopefully grow".

Peppers will also leave behind her legacy through the "Peppers Award", which is awarded annually to one female andpeppers headshot one male Scarsdale High School student by Sue and her husband, Jerry Peppers. The award is given to the students who most exemplify leadership, spirit, and academic and athletic excellence. This year, Michael Rolfe and Sydney Bernstein were honored for their athletic talent, notable academic performance, and contributions to youth programs in their sports.

Peppers will miss the energy of the school the most. "There is such an energy in a school and I think [I will miss] not having the energy in my life every day that is generated by staff and students and general operations of a school", explained Peppers. While Peppers will miss the school atmosphere, the school will certainly also miss her presence. During her retirement, Peppers hopes to relax after a stressful 28 years at the school. "When you're an administrator the commitment is dawn to dusk everyday and so I hope she gets to enjoy her garden and her family with her four beautiful daughters. I hope she can enjoy the freedom of time and benefit of health", said Bonamo. Peppers plans to have days filled with her favorite hobbies, gardening and cooking. "I really hope to take classes at the Bronx Botanical Garden because that is one of my major interests. I also love to cook so I hope to do a couple boot camps at the Culinary Institute up in Hyde Park, and spend time with my own family and do some traveling as well" explained Peppers.

Ms. Pepper's spot as assistant principal will be filled by Dean O'Gorman next year.