Sunday, Mar 09th

Greenacres to Accomodate New Classroom Sections this Fall

GAMain FloorRendering
Last week we reported that additional sections at Greenacres School this fall could require the takeover of a portion of the library for classroom space. That proved to be wrong. Though enrollment will rise at the school, the library will not be used to accommodate the additional students. Instead, the Spanish room will be converted to an additional classroom, and if another grade requires an additional class, the space currently used for the Learning Resource Center will also become a classroom. Greenacres Principal Sharon Hill anticipates that one and possibly two more classes will be added in the fall.

We spoke to Ms. Hill and here is what she shared about the situation for next year:

How many classrooms do you anticipate having at the school next year?
We expect to have 20 or possibly 21 classes at the school.

Which grades will require a new section?
There will be a new section in Grade 3 and possibly in Grade 2.

How many total students are expected and how does that compare to prior years?
The current enrollment for 2016-17 is 395. At this time last year, the enrollment for 2015-16 was 383 and in 2014-15 it was 403.

You mentioned that both the Spanish and LRC rooms may need to be converted to classrooms. How big are these two rooms?
See Floor Plan: Room #10 (722 square feet) and LRC/ELA & Math Rooms. (not clear)

Where would Spanish be taught and what space will be used for the Learning Resource Center?
The Spanish teacher go directly to classrooms instead of students going to her.

How will the additional classes affect the scheduling of lunch periods, art and music – and other specials?
We don't anticipate any impact on lunch or other scheduling.

Were any other options considered?
Yes there have been many iterations which considered the re-purposing of other spaces. It was felt that the current plan is the best solution.