Sunday, Mar 09th

Scarsdale Wrestlers' Winning Season

Photo by Dana SalzmanThe Scarsdale Varsity Wrestling Team finished the regular season with two wins during the week of January 25. On Wednesday January 27, they won their match against White Plains with a score of 62-15 and on Friday January 29, the team garnered an impressive 33-29 victory over their rivals in Edgemont to reclaim the prized Bronx River Cup.

Says, Coach Barney Foltman, "We've been wrestling well and winning," and their 13-5 record proves it. Scarsdale has also won two out of the four tournaments they attended, including the Edgemont and the Scarsdale tournament.  

A team of seniors and sophomores has used their skill and hard work to achieve a winning season. Sophomore Jacob Berkowitz has won two tournaments and has shown his strength at 171 pounds, while Erik Wahlberg at 189 pounds also went on to win the Scarsdale tournament.

This year the team has come together and has shown a great amount of support for one another.
Following their last dual meet against Edgemont on 1/29, Scarsdale hopes to do well in divisionals this coming week, and in sectionals during the week of February 8th. The team has built much camaraderie over the past three months and will work together to continue their success next year and for many years to come.   

Congratulations to Coach Foltman, captains Kevin Hill, Greg Kristoff and Kevin Zecchini and the entire team.

Photo by Dana SalzmanZecchini looks for hand control as he fights for a 6-2 victory over Urial Garcia of White Plains






Photo by Dana SalzmanMarcus takes control of the match as he wins and impressive 15-0 tech fall over Chris Rivera of White Plains.




Photo by Dana SalzmanTambunting takes control of his match as he wins a major decision of 12-0, over Tino Sofos of White Plains

All photos by Dana Salzman, Sophomore at Scarsdale High School