Sunday, Mar 09th

Maroon and White Celebrates Fall Athletes at Lake Isle

fieldhockeyMaroon and White celebrated fall athletes at their annual award dinner on Thursday November 3rd at Lake Isle- and there was much to celebrate! Several teams made it to the sectional semi finals and finals, with the girls' Field Hockey Team headed for the state's in Binghamton. Note the accomplishments of all the athletes and teams below:

Senior Field Hockey Captain Emma Coleman put the highlight of the team's season simply, "winning the section finals". Finishing the regular season 13-1-1, and with a historic season still underway, the Girl's Field Hockey team has a lot to be proud of. The Raiders are now regional and sectional champions, hoping to add state champs to their resume. They will play in the state semifinals at 12:00pm on Saturday, November 12th against Section 3's Baldwinsville.

girlssoccerGirls's Soccer: Finishing 10-3 in the overall season, the Scarsdale Girls Varsity A Soccer team had a memorable year. Senior Captain Haley Rozencwaig noted that her highlight for the season was the second game against formidable opponent John Jay East-Fishkill. "We were winning at first, but then they tied it up. In overtime we came back. This was the first time that we came together as a team, we were all so proud of each other. I think it set a really good note for the rest of our season." Captain Kate Donovan also mentioned that she loved the teams' camaraderie this year, wishing the girls best of luck for next season.

boyssoccerBoys' Soccer: The Boy's Varsity Soccer team had a heart-wrenching end to their season, losing in the section semi-finals by two goals in a penalty shootout. Senior Joey Ballon's highlight for the season was coming back after a four game losing streak in the middle of the year. "We turned it around, and were the best team in the section at one point." Stephen Nadler added, "We were able to come together as a team, play good fútbol, and enjoy ourselves at the end of the season. We have a great group of guys."

CrossCountryCross Country: Senior Fiona Flanagan recognized an early major meet called "Gressler" in White Plains as the teams motivation for their success this season." We all tried really hard, but our girls' team isn't the best in our league. At the end of the meet, [coach] Clark pulls a trophy out of his bag. We won the whole meet, which we did not expect at all. It was a great team moment." Emily Markowitz also mentioned that the Boys team won as well that day, even without the meaningful contributions of decorated Senior Greg Crowley.

girlsswimCaptain Cara McDermott discussed how proud she was of the team this season. "As a team we excelled this season. We came our closest to beating White Plains for the first time ever, and had awesome swims. Jane Glaser emphasized the importance of team cohesiveness for a successful season in such an individual sport. "While we didn't win a lot of meets, as a team our greatest accomplishment was our camaraderie, great energy, and supportiveness throughout the meets." Tanvi Pabby and Sydney Vleck made the Section One state team, Tanvi for the 100m butterfly and 200m IM, Sydney for the 100m breast.

tennisGirls' Tennis: Seniors Haley Sontag and Gabi Schott recognized their multiple tie breakers as the highlights of the season. "We won a lot of sets, and lost a few. It was a learning experience. We all grew stronger together". Captain Sam Lieberman also enjoyed getting to know the underclassmen and helping them improve their skills. Finally, the seniors noted how sad it will be not being able to play again next season. "We just love the tennis team".

volleyballVolleyball: Boys: Making it to the section semi finals, an unusual feat for a new team and program, was Corey Waldman's favorite part of the Boys Volleyball team's season. Tyler Brody mentioned, "We worked really hard, and its great to be recognized as section semi finalists". Although in a section with only 4 teams, the boys were excited to be able to garner this playoff experience.

Girls: Senior Jessica Waldman is most proud of how close the Girl's Volleyball Team got this season. "In the beginning the team was new, with a lot of new members. At the end of the season we were definitely one cohesive unit and are all really close friends at this point". Even though being knocked out by North Rockland in the Section Semi Finals was hard for the team, the Raiders finish the season 25-15-6 sets and leave proud of their accomplishments.

cheerleadersCheerleaders: Senior Mary Kate Filos noted that the fall marks the beginning to the Scarsdale Cheerleading season. The squad is looking forward to what the rest of the competition season brings, hoping to make it to Nationals this season.

footballThe Raiders Football team had a memorable season, making it to the section finals against New Rochelle.

Text by Emmeline Berridge, Photos by Sarah Abbe.

Raiders Gear: raideresfleece

Place your order for Raiders gear from the Fall Maroon and White Apparel Store before the deadline on Sunday November 13th.

This is your opportunity to purchase Scarsdale apparel and show your Raider pride.

There is a large assortment of amazing Raider gear. All orders will ship on or about December 10, 2016 to your individual homes.
Sizes available in Youth, Men's and Women's.

To order, click here

Questions: Email Beth Patrizio at
Thank you for visiting the Raider store and supporting Maroon & White.