Sunday, Mar 09th

Fitness, Zumba and Golf Offered at the Scarsdale Adult School

The Spring Catalogue from the Scarsdale Adult School is out and here are a few of their fun fitness offerings...Argentine Tango for Beginners; Jazzercise; Mountain Biking 101 and Introduction to XC Mountain Bike Racing; Walk Live Workout (the #1 walking workout in the world); Tai Chi; Stretch, Strengthen and Balance; and The Towel Workout (fusing yoga and Pilates while moving with isometric support of the towel).

Returning fitness favorites include a varied selection of yoga offerings, zumba, mat Pilates, exotic belly dancing, golf for both beginners and advanced beginners and the challenging Boot Camp. Get toned and stay fit—for your health, and for those who are serious about their summer shape.

The schedule for many of the fitness sessions has been extended into the summer months.  Most fitness classes begin the week of March 1st. Several begin later in the spring and summer. To register, or for a complete description of all the Adult School offerings, visit Questions? Call 723-2325.