Sunday, Mar 09th

Update on the Greenacres Renovation

GASitePlanJuly12Several people noted some drilling underway at Greenacres Elementary School around July 4 and asked us to follow up with the district for further information. Here is what we learned from Assistant Superintendent Stuart Mattey about the drilling and the progress of the renovation planned for Greenacres.

Here is what Mattey said:

“The drilling performed were soil borings of sub-surface soil conditions and to determine existing footing depths. The information garnered from these boring will be used by the structural engineer (foundation) and civil engineer (storm drainage/parking) to determine design requirements.

As far as the projects, plans are moving along well. As shared previously with the Board/community, we are focusing on the GA and security vestibule projects at the present with the goal of fall submission to SED for plan review and eventual approval in time for Summer 2019 construction. GA meetings were held throughout the Spring with teachers, department chairs and administration regarding space designs and concepts. Security Vestibule meetings have included the District's security consultants and district and building level administration and directors.GreenacresRendering

We will indeed be providing regular updates to the Board and community throughout the year to keep everyone abreast of where we are in this process.”

We followed up with questions about what the test results showed about the level of the water table and the composition of the site, but have not heard back.