Sunday, Mar 09th

Officer Jack Brito to Speak on Driving and Marijuana

marijuanaThe Scarsdale Dug and Alcohol Task Force (DATF) is holding its opening community meeting on Friday, October 5 at 9:00 AM in rooms 170-172 at Scarsdale High School. All community members are invited and encouraged to attend.

The program will feature Officer Jack Brito of the Westchester County Department of Public Safety speaking about youth driving while under the influence of marijuana. He is the Department's Field Training Officer and lead Drug Recognition Expert officer in Westchester. While our young drivers are mindful not to drive under the influence of alcohol, reports are surfacing that youths believe driving while high on marijuana is not as risky. Officer Brito will speak about this growing trend, how law enforcement is handling it, and what parents can and should be doing to protect their children and other drivers from this potential harm. The DATF will be conducting an informational campaign this year to educate youth and parents about the dangers of driving high.

The Scarsdale DATF is a community coalition dedicated to preventing youth substance use. For more information about the DATF, visit Facebook at Scarsdale DrugAlcohol TaskForce, or find the DATF on Instagram at scarsdale_datf, or on the web at

Press contact: Margaret Smith,