Sunday, Mar 09th

Edgewood Elementary School to Celebrate Centennial

edgewoodcentennialStudents, faculty and PTA leadership at Edgewood Elementary School are gearing up for the school’s 100th Anniversary Celebration. An assembly will be held on Monday January 7, 2019 the first day back from the two-week Christmas vacation.

According to Principal Scott Houseknecht, the school will “celebrate the rich experience we all share at Edgewood, tell a few stories of Edgewood’s past, and share some photos and video footage of memorable events in our history.”

Kids are most excited about the opening of a time capsule that was buried 25 years ago at the 75th anniversary of the school in 1994.

Former teachers and students with stories to share are invited to email School Principal Scott Houseknecht to arrange one on one interviews. Email him at

More events are planned throughout the school year.TimeCapsule

In February and March kids will be treated to special courses to commemorate the centennial at Edgewood University of the Arts. Kids will enjoy courses like “The Legend of the Edgewood Ghost” and “100 Years of Inventions.”

On March 28, the school will hold their Multi-Cultural Fair where parents will display information about their own heritage and focus on what life was like 100 years ago.

An Alumni Weekend is planned for April. On Friday, April 5th from 1:30 - 3:00 pm there will be an open house at the school with tours led by fifth graders who will share fun facts about Edgewood. Students will show 100-year projects to alumni. In addition, there will be an alumni tea at 3pm where alumni can view old photographs and memorabilia.

edgewoodlogoSchool and neighborhood tours will be offered on Saturday, April 6th followed by a STEAM activity at school for children. At 7pm parents, teachers and alumni will attend the Edgewood Centennial Gala at the Westchester Country Club in Rye.

In May the school will have a planting day for the Edgewood Friendship Centennial Garden, a new perennial garden that will enhance the landscaping surrounding the new library and front of the school. Dedicated to the Edgewood community, including veterans, gardening will be done during school hours on Friday with any carryover work to be done on Saturday morning with parent/child volunteers.

The them of the Edgewood Fair on May 11 will also incorporate the centennial.

Happy Birthday Edgewood!