Sunday, Mar 09th

Scarsdale Adult School Announces Spring 2019 Special Events

Mimi RocahScarsdale Adult School, an award-winning non-profit organization, is a proven source of quality adult education. This coming semester includes several “hot topic” headliners and visiting authors in addition to a wide array of humanities, technology, foreign languages, writing, career development, personal finance, arts and crafts, photography, fitness, card and board games, cooking, health/wellness, and hobbies and edutainment classes.

And Justice for All: An Evening with Mimi Rocah has just been rescheduled to Tuesday, May 21, 2019, at 7 p.m. at Scarsdale High School. Please note the change from the printed calendar. This special night will be filled with insightful commentary about today’s charged headlines. Rocah, a Scarsdale resident, former Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of NY, and one of MSNBC’s newest legal analysts, will reserve ample time to answer audience questions.

On Thursday, April 4, 2018, at 7 p.m., medical journalist Randi Hutter Epstein will discuss the history and science of endocrinology. With wit and entertaining anecdotes, her new book, Aroused: The History of Hormones and How They Control Just about Everything (2018) contrasts quackery with legitimate research in detailing the history of hormone research.

CBS business news analyst and Scarsdale High School graduate (class of 1983) Jill Schlesinger returns to her home town on Tuesday, April 9, 2019, at 7 p.m., to discuss The Dumb Things Smart People Do With Their Money: Thirteen Ways to Right Your Financial Wrongs, just published this month. Schlesinger will explain how to break bad habits and follow pragmatic and accessible rules for managing finances responsibly.Dumb Things.Jill Schlesinger book

On Wednesday, May 29, 2019, at 7:30 p.m., SAS presents Author Visit with Jonathan Haidt: The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas are Setting up a Generation for Failure (2018). Haidt, a social psychologist and Scarsdale High School graduate (class of 1981), will elaborate on the downsides of shielding young adults from words and opinions that make them uncomfortable. Terms such as micro-agressions and trigger warnings have become commonplace on campuses around the country; “safe spaces” have come into existence to protect students who are presumed to have extraordinarily fragile psyches. Haidt will discuss why such efforts, in the name of emotional well-being, are disastrous for the development of critical thinking skills and for the mental health of those who are supposedly being protected. Drawing from the research and best-selling book that he co-wrote with First Amendment expert Greg Lukianoff, Haidt will challenge us to reconsider how we are currently raising and educating the next generation of children in an age of fearful parenting.

Visit to register, to sign up for the bimonthly electronic newsletter, or for additional information. Classes are open to all, regardless of residency, and fill on a first-come/first-served basis. Call (914) 723-2325 or email with questions.