Sunday, Mar 09th

Track and Playgrounds Closed for Now

highschooltrackWith so little to do and almost nowhere to go, the Scarsdale High School track and field became popular destinations during the Corona crisis. When temperatures climbed and spring was in the air, kids were out playing ball and walkers and runners were enjoying the new track. Sadly on Friday March 20 the school district announced that these outdoor facilities would also be closed.

In a March 20 email from Dr. Hagerman he explains, “Over the past few days, we have been receiving reports about the use of our outdoor facilities relative to social distancing guidelines. Though we were hopeful to keep these open-air spaces available for our community, the District has decided to close the Butler Track & Field at Scarsdale High School. In light of new guidance on social distancing and our understanding of the current use, we can no longer keep these spaces open. Effective immediately, all District outdoor facilities including playgrounds, fields, and the track are closed indefinitely. We will communicate when we decide to reopen these spaces.”

Last week’s police blotter reports several complaints from some who saw people using the playgrounds and fields on Boulevard, at Greenacres and at the high school. We wondered if the police were enforcing the ban and here is what we learned:

According to Scarsdale Police Captain Edward Murphy, “Our officers are checking parks/fields frequently and we have received calls about groups congregating. Our officers have responded to disperse and educate about social distancing. We advise all to follow Federal and State recommendations on social distancing.”

But we asked, “Is it okay to use the track and keep your distance?” According to Police Chief Andy Matturro, the short answer is no. He said, “As for the track, as they closed it, it is not ok to use it.”