Sunday, Mar 09th

SBNC Announces Candidates for Election on January 11, 2022

SBNCThe Scarsdale School Board Nominating Committee announced candidates for election on January 11, 2022. Those elected will serve on a committee to choose the next members of the Board of Education.

The election will be held on Tuesday, January 11, 2022, from 7 – 10 AM and 2 – 9 PM in the Scarsdale Middle School (SMS) Auditorium Lobby at 134 Mamaroneck Road. In the event schools are closed on Election Day, the election will be held on the earlier of Wednesday, January 12, 2022, or the next day school is in session. Any Snow Date or Run-off election will be held in the SMS Auditorium Lobby at the same times given above.

Mail In Ballots

A mail-in ballot is available for those who choose not to vote in person. Mail-in ballots are available to the public in hard copy at Scarsdale Village Hall and the Scarsdale Public Library, and available in electronic form on starting Wednesday, December 15th, 2021. Completed mail-in ballots must be sent to: SBNC Administrative Chair, PO Box 172H, Scarsdale, NY 10583 and received in the SBNC PO Box no later than 4 PM on Tuesday, January 11, 2022. Any resident of the School District may vote who is (i) a US citizen; (ii) 18 years of age or older; and (iii) a resident of the School District for 30 days prior to the election.


Residents will also vote on several proposed amendments to the SBNC Resolution. The proposed changes can be found at, as well as at Village Hall and at the Scarsdale Public Library starting Friday, December 3rd, 2021. A public meeting will be held via Zoom at 8pm on Wednesday, December 8th, 2021, where SBNC Resolution Chairs David Benderson and Sarah Bell will present the proposed amendments and seek community input. Please visit for the Zoom link.

Residents who are unable to access a ballot by either of these methods may contact the SBNC Administrative Committee Election Chair, Laura Liu, by email at for assistance. For more information about the SBNC, please visit


Listed below are the candidates from each neighborhood along with their biographies.

EDGEWOOD (4 candidates running for 3 positions)

ANNE MCCOURT BATES: 46 Tunstall Road
Occupation: Currently Stay-at-home parent; Formerly High School Counselor
Education: University of Rochester (BA in Health & Society); Hunter College (MS in Education/ School Counseling); Scarsdale High School
Length of Residency: 7 years
Children’s ages: 10, 7, 6
Civic Activities: Edgewood PTA Secretary (Executive Board), Yearbook Co-Chair, Classical Café Co-Chair, Colonial Fair Co-Chair, Liaison to the Scarsdale Adult School, Class Parent.

FRANK MURTHA: 39 Jefferson Road
Occupation: Psychologist, Financial Counseling Consultant
Education: Villanova University (BA in English & Psychology); Boston College (MA in Counseling Psychology, Children & Adolescents); University of Buffalo (Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology); Scarsdale High School
Length of Residence: 10 years
Children’s ages: 12, 9
Civic Activities: Established Men’s Group at Church of Immaculate Heart of Mary; Coached Little League Baseball; Organized Edgewood Block Parties; Developed COVID Social Support Center for Adult Interaction during pandemic.
Occupation: Stay-at-Home Parent
Education: Vassar College (BA, Psychology); Bank Street College of Education (MA, Elementary Education and Literacy);
Length of Residence: 11 years
Children’s ages: 13, 10
Civic Activities: Legislative Chair for SMS and Edgewood (2021-2022); Crane Berkley Neighborhood Association President, Vice President, Secretary and Board Member (2010-present); SMS House parent (2020-2021); Compact Committee to help plan Edgewood Centennial events (2018-2019); Chair, Edgewood Fair (2017); Secretary, Edgewood PTA (2014-2016); Edgewood Class parent (2013-2020).

MENG ZHANG: 152 Clarence Road
Occupation: Physician (Internal Medicine/Palliative Care, Mount Sinai)
Education: New York University (BA, Biology); Stony Brook University School of Medicine (MD); Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center, Residency in Internal Medicine, Fellowship in Palliative and Hospice Medicine
Length of Residence: 7 years
Children’s ages: 11, 8
Civic Activities: Edgewood Walking School Bus volunteer (2015-2021); Edgewood Book Fair Chair (2015-2016); Edgewood Multicultural Tasting volunteer (2016-2018); Edgewood Fair volunteer (2016-2018)

FOX MEADOW (4 candidates running for 2 positions)

CLAUDIA GREEN: 36 Butler Road
Occupation: Attorney (General Counsel at Hedge Fund)
Education: University of New South Wales, Australia (B.A., LLB)
Length of Residence: 6 years
Children’s ages: 14, 12, 9
Civic Activities: Volunteer Legal Advisor on Voting Hotline; Fox Meadow Learning to Look Volunteer; Girl Scouts Leader; PTA Co-Treasurer at PS 452; Member of Strategic Planning Committee at Preschool in NYC.

H. GITONGA KIARA: 53 Paddington Rd
Occupation: Attorney
Education: University of Virginia School of Law – LL.M.; Kenya School of Law - Dip. Laws;
University of Reading (UK) - LL.B.
Length of Residence: 1 year
Child’s age: 12
Civic Activities: University of Virginia School of Law – Dean’s Council, Associate Member; Pro Bono Legal Services; Actively support non-profit organizations involved in education, healthcare, civil rights, nutritional support; Condo Board Member (2014 - 2020, Battery Park City, Manhattan).

Occupation: Real Estate Developer
Education: University of Pennsylvania (BA, Economics); New York University (MS, Real Estate Finance)
Length of Residence: 6 years
Children’s ages: 8, 6, 3
Civic Activities: Board of Trustees – Dream Charter School

JENNIFER ZOLA: 12 Carstensen Road
Occupation: Currently Stay-at-home Parent; Previously Senior Partner, Advertising Director
Education: Duke University (BA), UCLA Anderson (MBA)
Length of Residence: 9 years
Children’s ages: 13,10
Civic Activities: Scarsdale Youth Soccer Club (SYSC) Board Member 2019–21 and Parent Team Manager 2016–21; PTC Nominating Committee SMS Representative 2020–21; SMS Butler House Parent 2020–21; Scarsdale Youth Basketball (SYB) Parent Co-Manager 2019–20; SUFSD Fox Meadow Principal and Assistant Principal Search Committees Member 2019; Fox Meadow PTA multiple roles: VP of Technology (Executive Committee Member) 2017–19, Directory Chair 2016–20, Yearbook Co-Chair 2019-20 and 2021-22, Lunch Co-Chair and Coordinator 2015–20, After School Clubs Treasurer 2016–17, Library Services Co-Chair 2015–16, Fox Meadow Compact Committee Member 2015–16, Fox Meadow Playground Renovation Committee Member 2014–15, and Class Parent.

GREENACRES (4 candidates running for 3 positions)

KIM GREENE-LIEBOWITZ: 77 Walworth Avenue
Occupation: Physician
Education: Cornell University (BA, Biology/Biochemistry); The George Washington School of Public Health (MPH, Epidemiology); Temple University School of Medicine (MD)
Length of Residence: 16 years
Children’s ages: 15, 13
Civic Activities: Scarsdale Buddies Initiative co-founder (2020-21); Celiac advocate (2019-present); Greenacres class parent (2018-19) and parent volunteer (2013-19); Temple Israel Center of White Plains Gala – Tribute Committee (2018); Solomon Schechter Lower School - School Board (2011-17); Hadassah – Young Women of Westchester Fundraising Chair (2009-13); Temple Israel Center Nursery School - School Board (2008-13).

ALLISON KAHNER: 6 Donellan Road Occupation: Clinical Psychologist
Education: SUNY Stony Brook (BS Psychology); School of Psychology at Florida Tech (Psy.D.) Length of Residence: 6 years
Children’s ages: 15, 13
Civic Activities: SMS Bowling Night and 6th Grade Rec Night volunteer; Greenacres Talent show Co-Chair for two years; Greenacres School Fair and Zany Olympics committee volunteer; Greenacres Pizza Wednesdays volunteer every week for 2 years.

SETH MORGULAS: 30 Valley Road
Occupation: Colonel, United States Army
Education: The Johns Hopkins University (BA); The University of Chicago Law School (JD); The United States Army War College (MSS); Scarsdale High School
Length of Residence: 6 years
Children’s ages: 14, 12
Civic Activities: Military Service 1991 to present.

EVA ROMAS WILSON: 36 Garden Road Occupation: Nonprofit Advisor
Education: Harvard College(BA); Scarsdale High School
Length of Residence: 20 years
Children’s ages: 20, 18, 16, 13
Civic Activities: SHS PTA Scholarship Fund for College (2019-present); Maroon & White Board (2015-present); SMS PTA Board Member (2015-19); SMS Nominating Committee (2020); SHS Nominating Committee (2019); SMS Principal Selection Committee (2017); SMS Vice Principal Selection Committee (2019); Greenacres Community Service Chair (2013-17); Greenacres PTA Treasurer (2012-13); Greenacres Class Parent (2013-18); Scarsdale Lacrosse Board (2014-17)

HEATHCOTE (3 candidates running for 3 positions)

Occupation: Currently Stay-at-home parent; Formerly Account Executive/ABC Television Network Sales 1999-2017
Education: Bucknell University (BA in English)
Length of Residence: 9 years
Children’s ages: 10, 8
Civic Activities: Heathcote Yearbook Committee; Heathcote PTA Executive Committee-VP of Afterschool Clubs; Heathcote PTA Nominating Committee; Heathcote Benefit Committee; Heathcote Class Parent

Occupation: Marketing, American Express
Education: University of Pennsylvania (BA)
Length of Residence: 60 days
Children’s ages: 6, 5, 6 months
Civic Activities: Volunteer, Heathcote School Class Parent & Book Drive Coordinator; Volunteer, Brooklyn Community Bail Fund

SARAH HOPKINS: 40 Birchall Drive
Occupation: Genetic Counselor
Education: Washington University in St. Louis (BA); New York University (MPA in Health Policy); Sarah Lawrence College (MS in Human Genetics)
Length of Residence: 16 years
Children’s ages: 19, 15, 12
Civic Activities: Breast cancer peer advocate, 2013-present; Weill Cornell COVID Biobank Project Coordinator, 2020; Heathcote school play volunteer, 2018; Heathcote private bus coordinator, 2016-18;
Co-chair of 5th Grade Community Service Committee, 2014; Learning-To-Look volunteer; Guest speaker on genetics; Class parent, Edgewood 2013-14; Class parent, Alcott School, multiple years;

QUAKER RIDGE (2 candidates running for 1 position)

LISA GANS: 45 Harvest Drive
Occupation: Attorney / Travel Advisor
Education: Emory University (Bachelor’s in Business Administration); Georgetown University Law School (JD)
Length of Residence: 14 years
Children’s ages: 17, 14, 10
Civic Activities: Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Board Member (2008-18); Scarsdale Schools Education Foundation Board Member (2016-18); Quaker Ridge PTA Executive Committee VP Communications, VP After School Clubs.

ALEXANDER WOLF: 56 Harvest Drive
Occupation: Attorney
Education: Amherst College (BA); Cardozo School of Law (JD)
Length of Residence: 3 years
Children’s ages: 14, 12
Civic Activities: SMS Multicultural events volunteer; volunteer real estate educator and activist in opposition to Freightway redevelopment project.
About the School Board Nominating Committee (SBNC)
The School Board Nominating Committee (SBNC) is a committee of citizens elected from across the Village for the purpose of nominating candidates to fill vacancies on the Scarsdale Board of Education. Members are elected from each of the five elementary school districts to serve a term of three years on the Nominating Committee and two additional years on the Administrative Committee.

The Administrative Committee would like to encourage all Scarsdale residents to support the SBNC by voting in local elections, considering a candidacy, and making a contribution. The SBNC Administrative Committee runs the annual SBNC elections financed entirely by community support. Any contribution is greatly appreciated.
Contributions may be made via PayPal online at

Checks may be made payable to the “SBNC Administrative Committee” and mailed to P.O. BOX 172H, SCARSDALE, NY 10583

SBNC Continuing Members:
Edgewood: Cecilia Anon-Kowalski (Term Ends 2022); Alan Meizlik, Valerie Phillips (Term Ends 2023) Fox Meadow: Swapna Kanekar, Jonathan Lemle (Term Ends 2022); Zachary Altschuler, Lauren Kitain (Term Ends 2023)
Greenacres: Deborah Jeanne Skolnik, Cindy S. Yau (Term Ends 2022); David Fenigstein (Term Ends 2023)
Heathcote: Claire Ying Yang (Term Ends 2022); Lauren Hammer Breslow, Jennifer Goldfarb (Term Ends 2023)
Quaker Ridge: Susi D’ambra Coplan, Purnima Srivastava (Term Ends 2022); Stephanie Israel, Stacey Strauss, Mauri Zemachson (Term Ends 2023)

2021/2022 SBNC Administrative Members:
Sarah E. Bell, Resolution Vice Chair (QR); David Benderson, Resolution Chair (EW); Ruth Berkowitz (EW); Felicia Block (EW); Todd Cohen (GA); Jordan Copeland (EW); Lara Chassin (SNAP Representative); Timothy Dunne (EW); Jennifer Fischer (GA); Laura Gelblum, Election Vice Chair (FM); Kathleen Gray (GA); Nikki Hahn (QR); Kerry Hayes (HE); Jennifer Tao Hong (FM); Marisa Jackson (QR); Seema Jaggi, SBNC Chair (FM); Amy Lewis (GA); Jing Li (HE); Laura Ying Liu, Election Chair (HE); Chris Marks (HE); Ekta Sahni (QR); Amy Schiff, SBNC Vice Chair (EW)
For additional information, please contact Laura Liu, SBNC Election Chair, at