Installation of Traffic Light at Post and Edgewood Roads Needs to Be Made a Priority
- Friday, 27 September 2024 11:57
- Last Updated: Friday, 27 September 2024 12:01
- Published: Friday, 27 September 2024 11:57
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 2069
Following an accident on Post and Edgewood Roads on September 27, the following letter, written by Christine Weston, President of the Crane Berkley Neighborhood Association, was sent to Assemblywoman Amy Paulin, State Senator Shelley Mayer and Scarsdale Mayor Justin Arest:
Dear Ms. Paulin, Ms. Mayer, and Mayor Arest,
A man was struck by a car this morning around 8:10 am at the still dangerous intersection at Edgewood and Post Roads. He was commuting to work, pressed the crosswalk button, and waited. The car closest to him stopped, but the car in the next lane did not, and he was hit. He was taken to the hospital, but I have been told he is “okay”. Costa (the crossing guard) had just arrived to start his shift and witnessed the accident.
The others to witness the accident, or at least the aftermath, were the young children who were walking to school shortly after the impact. My neighbor reported that the little ones were particularly upset by what they witnessed, and it has truly impacted the community.
I know that the timeline for the traffic light was moved up, that the village is working to gain access to a parcel of land for construction, and that it is “on schedule" by NYS DOT. All of that is wonderful, but this needs to be made a number one priority.
These accidents are not going to stop. Thankfully, injuries thus far have been minimal, but our community members are crossing there every day and it is only a matter of time before someone, most likely a child who is too small to be seen by the cars in the far lanes, to be seriously injured.
I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to your reply.
Christine Weston
President, Crane Berkley Neighborhood Association