BOE Members Hold Community Coffees: You're Invited
- Wednesday, 30 October 2024 21:15
- Last Updated: Thursday, 31 October 2024 12:31
- Published: Wednesday, 30 October 2024 21:15
- Wendy MacMillan
- Hits: 528
Board of Education members Leah Dembitzer and Amber YusefBoard of Education Community Coffee Meetings are back! The first in a series of Community Meetings was held on Wednesday, October 30th and more than twenty parents and grandparents stopped in to share their thoughts with BOE members Amber Yusef and Leah Dembitzer.
When asked why the BOE is reintroducing Community Meetings, Ms. Dembitzer shared, “The Board of Education is focused on increased community engagement and on offering opportunities for community members to share their thoughts with Board members. The Board Coffees are a great venue for a casual sharing of ideas and conversation. Additionally, Board members appreciate the opportunity to meet community members and to really understand the issues on people’s minds.”
Community members in attendance seemed to truly appreciate the opportunity to share feedback with the BOE in a more comfortable setting. Many noted that they wouldn’t normally attend the structured BOE meetings to share their concerns, but the less intimidating environment made it easier for them to speak up. Others pointed out that during the Public Comment period at BOE meetings, BOE members aren’t afforded the opportunity to respond to comments or answer questions but at Community Meetings, it is appreciated that BOE members can engage in more dialogue.
Though there were a wide variety of topics discussed, including a few concerns about the elementary math curriculum, the lack of AP classes at SHS, and confusion about the high school profile, many joined the meeting to share their worries about the Rolling Gradebook (a new grading system implemented at the high school last year). Attendees were reminded that SHS principal Ken Bonamo has been working closely with a Rolling Gradebook Assessment Committee and will be presenting on their efforts to the BOE at their next meeting on Monday, November 4.
If you were unable to attend this first meeting, please be sure to join Board Members for their second Board Community Coffee on Wednesday, November 6th at 7:00 pm. The meeting will be held at Scarsdale High School in Room 170-172.