Sunday, Mar 09th

Megamind Costs $150 Million to Make and Nearly as Much to See

fandangotick.jpgYou! You there! Bathing in gold bullions and wearing an "I'm with stupid" t-shirt that points to us, the movie-going public. I have a few choice words for you. You insidious, evil-doers whip our children into a frenzy with your endless movie advertisements until their clambering to see it is so unrelenting that we acquiesce.

In fact, we acquiesce so much we even bring another kid.

So there I am online selecting an afternoon showing a Megamind--the 3D version, naturally.

Wait!  $15.75 per ticket? Regardless of how old you are? Plus a $1 service fee for buying it in advance and printing my own ticket at home--how is that service? I'm blooding doing everything myself!

I wince as I press "purchase." Yup, $50 to see a cartoon.

I packed up snacks to smuggle in--hey, screw you movie theater fake police, did you see how much you charged for tickets? I'll bring a full Chinese buffet in if I want. Once we got situated I sent my son to get he and his friend some drinks. I gave him a $20. Imagine my surprise when he returned with an Icee and a bottle of water, and handed me a $10.

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