Sunday, Mar 09th

Summer Activities Fair Wednesday Night at SHS

teentourIf you need some ideas for summer plans for your children, The Summer Activities Fair is the perfect opportunity to meet representatives from a wide variety of summer programs. Precollege enrichment, sports, music, theater, travel, community service, language immersion, outdoor adventure, environmental studies, travel in the U.S. and abroad, leadership skills and more. You'll find programs from as far away as Ireland, Montana and Wyoming offering kids the opportunity to explore their passions, whether it be living on a farm, European travel, delving into computer programming or scuba diving in the Caribbean.

Both parents and students are invited to attend the fair to speak with program representatives and students who have participated. See videos, pick up brochures and get great information about the breadth of possibilities available for this coming summer. The Summer Activities Fair is sponsored by the Scarsdale High School PTA and admission is FREE.
Where: Scarsdale High School Cafeteria
When: Wednesday December 1, 2010
What Time: 7:30 – 9:30 PM