Sunday, Mar 09th

Help Chelsea Win An H&M Fashion Competition

recyclabe_dressChelsea Hoofnagle, a Scarsdale High School senior, is in the running to have her artwork appear on T-shirts to be sold by retailer H&M. Five winners of H&M’s “Your Art Here” competition will have their art printed on H&M T-shirts. The art pieces will also be exhibited in the window of H&M's store on 42nd Street and 5th Avenue in New York City.

The competition lets participants upload artwork for consideration. Hoofnagle’s entry is a picture of a recyclable fashion dress she designed out of newspapers for her art concentration in high school.

Hoofnagle will be attending Meredith College this fall. She plans to major in fashion design.

Voting ends on May 24th at midnight. To view and vote for Hoofnagle’s competition entry and to vote, click this link