Sunday, Mar 09th

Most students don’t have the advantage of Advantage SAT prep

testAre you a college student with three hours a week to spare this summer? You can make a difference in the lives of deserving and motivated New Rochelle High School students.

Going to college is the most definitive step a young person can take toward a successful future. But getting into college is hard, expensive and rigorous. Low-income students typically apply to college at a great disadvantage socially and economically - if they apply at all. The SAT, college and scholarship applications, and financial aid forms are challenging even for the most advantaged students.

Let's Get Ready, a nonprofit organization started thirteen years ago by a Scarsdale High School alumnus, envisions a world where students from all socioeconomic backgrounds have equal access to the support they need to reach higher education.

College students are needed to be volunteer coaches for SAT verbal or math (or both!) at New Rochelle High School this summer. Verbal coaches work 6-9pm Tuesday nights, coaching critical reading and writing for the first half of class and assisting on the personal statement essays the second half. Math coaches work 6-9pm Thursday nights, coaching math the first half of class and helping with The Common Application and college selection the second half.

If you are a college-aged student who wants to make a difference:

Submitted by Rachel Kroll