Sunday, Mar 09th

The Baby Guide: What To Do With The Under Two’s

toddlerDays at the pool are over and with the temperatures dropping there will be fewer opportunities to play in the park. You may be new to town, or new to this mom thing. Or perhaps you’ve recently had your second or third baby and the very thought of being stuck inside all winter is reminding you too much of the movie The Shining. You may also be back at work and looking an activity for your nanny or caregiver and baby. Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered. There are a ton of things to do around here with babies. Take your pic:

Get Out the Door:

My cousin’s husband said something once that I thought was really funny and true. He said a new baby is kind of like a fancy new bag. You like to look at it and take it out and all the other women ooh and ahh over it, but other than that, it doesn’t do much. (Clearly he wasn’t on diaper duty.) My point is, under 6 months or so, there isn’t a whole lot that a baby can do, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t get out there and meet some other moms in your situation. Make a new friend or two. Here’s where to go:

The Scarsdale Library: 54 Olmstead Rd. Scarsdale.

The Library offers a bunch of new programs for babies and caregivers. For the youngest there is Mother Goose for pre-walkers on Friday mornings and class graduates can move to walkers on Thursdays. Full disclosure, I do PR for the library and I try to avoid any conflict by not writing about them here. However, I went to these before I started working for the library and I think these classes are adorable. It’s low key and sweet and it’s always nice to get kids into a routine of going to a library, even when they are very young.

JCC: 999 Wilmot Rd. Scarsdale

The JCC offers a Baby and Me class for first time moms to help them meet new people and explore topics such as infant development, sleep and your relationships with others. The JCC also offers music and art classes for toddlers and as they grow, there is a nursery school program.

For Twins and More:

If you are a new parent of twins or triplets finding time in the day to brush your teeth may be hard. Getting out the door in one piece may feel like a small miracle. The good news is there are moms like you in our area who can help with advice, understanding and even some hand-me-downs. Lower Westchester Mothers of Multiples is a club that coordinates meet-ups and activities for families of twins or more. Scarsdale mom Michelle Bates is the co-president of the club. Mothering multiples may feel overwhelming so this group is a good place to find support from people in your situation. The best thing to do is to Google Lower Westchester Mothers of Multiples and it will direct you to the link.

Get Movin’

There are a bunch of places in the area to get your kid moving and having fun. With any luck, these activities will lead to long naps afterwards

Gym Time: Congregational Church, Heathcote Rd.

Kids 3 months-5 years love running and playing and listening to music here. Parachute time is a big hit. Parents say “it’s low key and fun… and the staff is really flexible and offer a great mix of structure and free play.” It is also a big hit with the nanny set. One working parent says that her caregiver made a group of friends here and her toddler had amany playdates as a result.

Great Play of Scarsdale: Midway Shopping Center, Central Park Ave. Scarsdale

This great gym is clean and bright and lots of fun for kids 6 months to as old as fifth grade. “The coaches/teachers are attentive, super-friendly and energetic,” raves one mom. “The activities are varied each week to keep the little ones stimulated and learning.” Your child will probably get the most out of it if you sign them up once they start walking.

Bonus: Shop-Rite, CVS, Dennys, Lakeshore Learning and Starbucks are right there, so you can do your errands afterwards.

Tumblebugs 826 Scarsdale Ave. Scarsdale

If you haven’t been to Tumblebugs yet, you are either new to parenthood or new to town. This place is very popular for activities and birthday parties and the slides and the giant trampoline will make any adult want to be a kid again. Your child will probably get the most enjoyment out of these classes if they are comfortable walking. They also offer newly designed Mommy and Me classes for really little ones and are proud supporters of Mothers of Multiples.

Kidville: 777 White Plains Rd. Scarsdale

If you moved up from the city, depending on where you lived, you may already be familiar with this tot activity center. Kidville offers such classes as Big Muscles for Little Babies. They also offer free use of the play area at certain times of the week. With winter approaching this is very enticing. Check out Little Maestro classes too. More on that in the Groovin section.

Here are some ideas for multitaskers who want to incorporate their own workout into activity for their baby.

Stroller Strides : Multiple Locations

A fitness program that you can do with your baby in the stroller. You’ll be running, toning and doing strength intervals all while the baby is by your side. It’s a good way to meet other moms and get in a work out. One drawback is that you have to work out in public (Kenisco Dam, The Westchester before it opens) and post-baby moms may be feeling less than stellar about this idea. But remember, there is safety in numbers and no one is going to be mean with a baby by your side!

Yoga : The Scarsdale Library offers a Mommy and Me Yoga class monthly fore pre-walkers.

Destination Maternity at The Source at White Plains also a similar class and schedules it more frequently.

Applause 114 W. Boston Post Rd Mamaroneck will also be offering a pilates class that allows you do exercise while the baby is next to you.

Swim: While you may not be able to do laps, the JCC and White Plains YWCA 515 North Street, White Plains offer group swim classes for babies. These are cute and it’s a good way to get your kids used to the water at an early age. Plus the pictures opportunities are adorable. You do have to get into your swimsuit and into the water for these -- and your caregiver may not be too thrilled to get wet. Try these links for more information:,

Get Groovin'

Music classes are great for little babies. From the time they can sit up and clap there are classes they can enjoy. It also gives you a chance to sit and let someone else do the entertaining.

Music Together: Located at Over the Moon Music on 78 Garth Road the philosophy behind these classes is that all children are musical (the cantor who did my Bat Mitzvah may beg to differ) and if given the right tools children can sing and dance and play music as easily as they can walk and talk. These are classes for children of all ages, but depending on the time of day you take the class, you may find kids the same age as yours. Over The Moon has a large clean and calm room that babies love to crawl around and explore.

Applause 114 W. Boston Post Rd Mamaroneck

Cute and fun music classes that you can enjoy too. Applause is home to Broadway Babies and Rock n Roll Babies. The teachers are cool and the songs are all ones you can sing along to as well. They introduce letters of the day and new instruments to the kids. Depending on the age of your child, that part of the class may go over their heads, but the heart is in the right place and I can say from experience that these are among my favorite classes.

Musical Munchkins: Housed at Kidville this is a great musical class in a convenient location. The songs are easy and sweet and you will find yourself humming them to yourself during the day. If you want to check out a Musical Munchkin class for free, they offer them once a month at the Scarsdale Library, but be warned that they fill up very quickly though.

Get Schoolin’

As your baby grows you will start to think about nursery school. There are so many to choose from and there are several that have programs for kids under two years old. Here are a few:

The Hitchcock School 6 Greenacres Ave. Scarsdale

From as early as 6 months this school offers a program 4 mornings a week and you can choose how many days you want your baby to attend. The school is housed at the Hitchcock Presbyterian Church, but the school is non-denominational.

First Friends at Kol Ami: 252 Soundview Road. White Plains

This is a program on Tuesday mornings for children 15 - 22 months to get them started in school, socialization and motor skills. A parent or caregiver is required to stay, so it will give your or your caregiver a chance to meet some of the other Kol Ami families. Kol Ami also offers a summer program for children entering the two’s program in the fall.

Mazel Tots at Scarsdale Synagogue, Ogden Rd. Scarsdale

The program begins with a Parenting program where parents meet for 10 sessions to talk about issues facing parents today. Childcare is provided for these sessions. Then in the winter, the Toddlers, join the school. The program helps children separate, get into a routine and prepare for school. Mazel Tots also provides a summer program for children starting at 18 months.

Westchester Reform Temple: 255 Mamaroneck Rd. Scarsdale

WRT hosts a variety of programs for little ones. The first is Bagels and Babies. It’s a free play group for children under 2 and their caregivers or parents, and as the name says, there are bagels. (Coffee too) The synagogue also holds Mommy and Me and Nanny and Me programs as well as a Nanny Class, which deals with issues of safety, communication and discipline.

If we haven’t mentioned one of your favorites for children ages 0 -2, share the information in the comments section below.

gellerr150Jen is a freelance journalist who has covered the economy and markets for over a decade at a major financial news outlet. She lives in Scarsdale with her husband and 2 children. Jen has yet to bake a successful batch of cookies.