Sunday, Mar 09th

Preschoolers Celebrate Truck Day!

truckdayAbout 130 preschoolers romped from truck to truck on Truck Day!, an annual event for the two-to-five year olds in the Early Childhood Program (ECP) at Congregation Kol Ami, a White Plains Reform synagogue. The summer vacation sendoff on June 11 was made possible through the enthusiastic support of the City of White Plains, the police officers and fire fighters of the White Plains Department of Public Safety, and the U.S. Postal Service.

The White Plains Public Works Department sent a dump truck, a bucket truck, a chip truck, a pick-up truck, a payloader, and a compressed natural gas garbage truck. The kids listened attentively and watched as city workers Gary Boyd, Nick Marino, Tom McCreight, Dennis Ganzaz, Doug Patla and Peter Hernandez showed how each truck worked. Officer Jeff Parks opened his police car for all to see and touch. Officer Kevin Olenchak came with Public Safety's Emergency Service Unit armored truck and explained how it is used. The children learned about the fire engine from Lieut. V. Zicca and firefighters A. Abbate and M. Niles.  Brian Fields manned the U.S. Postal Service truck and Stan Outerbridge showed the kids the White Plains school bus operated by First Student Inc.

The last stop for the children was the ice cream truck operated by World War II veteran Bill Scherb and his wife, Joan.  Refreshing treats were available for all, including the hard working grownups.

For information about the ECP program at Congregation Kol Ami contact Nan Blank at (914) 949-4717, ext.107.  Congregation Kol Ami is a diverse Reform synagogue serving cities and towns throughout Westchester County.  All individuals and families are welcome.  Visit their website at for more information or call Janet Hershey at (914) 949-4717, ext. 115.