Sunday, Mar 09th

Snow Day

snowdayDue to the forecast for snow all day at Scarsdale10583 schools are closing early and the Community School Budget Forum schedule for tonight, Tuesday, has been rescheduled for Thursday, January 23 at 7:30 pm in rooms 170-172 at Scarsdale High School. The Community Budget Forum that was scheduled for Wednesday morning (1/22) has also been cancelled and will be held next Wednesday, January 29, at 10 am at the Girl Scout House on Wayside Lane.

Today, the Scarsdale Middle School dismissed students at 11:20 am and Scarsdale High School and all elementary schools will have a noon dismissal. Students who are eligible for transportation will be picked up by District buses at those times. If your child is not eligible for District transportation, please make arrangements to pick them up. Students in private and parochial schools will be picked up in accordance with each school's announced schedule for today.

The Scarsdale Public Library will close at 1 pm Tuesday and all afternoon and evening programs are cancelled. Though the library will open on Wednesday morning, the Muscial Playdate schedule for 1/22 is cancelled.

If you need to let others know about snow cancellations, post them in the comments section below.