Sunday, Mar 09th

Junior Olympics: A Welcome Reprieve

olympics7231The announcement of Junior Olympics at Scarsdale High School broke like camp color war. In the past, the event was pre-scheduled on the school calendar and led to too much partying the night before. To avoid this tradition, the SHS administration told students to be prepared for a surprise announcement that was made on Tuesday May 28th. With just a half hour to prepare, students dressed in their elementary school colors and went out to the field to enjoy leapfrog, dodge ball and a tug of war under steamy skies –- culminating in a trip to the ice cream truck.

School Psychologist and Junior Class Advisor Ernie Collabolletta, who organized the day with Jessica Levenberg said, "The announcement came at 11:45 and the juniors were summoned to group with their elementary school buddies. By 12:30 over 350 juniors met on the Brewster Road side of the school and the games began. Teams were involved in dodge ball and kick ball. While these teams were battling all different types of relay races such as three legged races, wheel barrel races, balloon toss, pie eating, and tug of war. In the end, Fox Meadow outperformed their elementary school rivals with Quaker Ridge following behind them.The Junior class had a wonderful competing yet bonding with each other.

A parent of a high school junior said, "I am glad the juniors had a fun break from all the pressure this time of year. There is so much testing particularly for them over the next couple of weeks. This class seems to know how to take a break and just have fun."
