Sunday, Mar 09th

Neil Simon's "Fools" On Stage at SHS March 27 and 28

foolsThe Scarsdale High School Drama Club will present Neil Simon's comedy Fools in the high school auditorium on Friday March 27 and Saturday March 28 at 7:30 pm. Directed by Sarah Kate Robbins, the comedy is set in Russia, where Leon Tolchinsky is ecstatic. He's just landed his absolute dream job teaching in the idyllic, Russian hamlet of Kulyenchikov. However, there's a slight catch! Kulyenchikov has been cursed with chronic stupidity for 200 years and it's up to Leon to break the curse and teach the citizens something ... anything within 24 hours. And then there's the girl ... Leon's fallen in love with the beautiful Sophia Zubritsky. The tension mounts as Leon fights the odds and the clock and tries to teach Sophia what 1+ 1 is. This hilarious and zany comedy will have you rolling in the aisles.

fools2The show will be preformed on March 27th and 28th at 7:30 p.m. in the Scarsdale High School Auditorium. Tickets are available online at and at the door. Student/Senior tickets are $10, Adult tickets are $20.

Buy tickets now for what promises to be an amazing evening for theatre-goers of all ages! This show guarantees laughter for all.

Rehearsal photos courtesy of Jon Thaler. See more here:

