Sunday, Sep 29th

GAMCLunch17 2he Greenacres PTA hosted its annual Multicultural Lunch on March 21. The festive luncheon is a much-loved occasion for students, faculty and staff. Parents contributed and served a wide array of foods representing Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, the Caribbean, Latin America, Oceania, Australia, and New Zealand. The more than 100 delicious dishes and desserts included jolloff rice, samosas, udon noodles, sushi, fried rice, crepes, spanakopita, lasagna, irish soda bread, scones with jam, corn bread, mini hot dogs, plantains, arroz con pollo, pulled pork sliders, fairy bread, macaroons, brownies and Icelandic pancakes.

This was a zero waste event in keeping with the Greenacres mission of sustainability. Greenacres has been composting since 2013 – sending all of its lunchroom and classroom food scraps to be turned into a useful resource – compost – instead of into the trash. And now Greenacres is also sending its food scraps from all of its school events to be composted as well. This includes events such as the November parent/teacher Thanksgiving luncheon, the school-wide multicultural luncheon each March, all of its parent/principal coffees, and the 4th grade colonial luncheon.GALunch2GALunch3

Greenacres Got Talent

The Greenacres PTA hosted its annual Talent Show on Friday, March 24. The fun family night featured 35 solo and group acts. Greenacres' students showcased an array of amazing talents from singing, dancing and gymnastics to instrument-playing and joke-telling. All of the kids in attendance enjoyed a kick-off dance party and intermission snacks courtesy of the PTA. The performers received award medals and cool lollipops.



hexpo6Over 220 Heathcote students and their families participated in the Heathcote Elementary School's Third Annual Makerfaire on Saturday March 18 which included over 17 workshops for students to choose from and an open makerspace in the gym with lots of hands-on activities. Barnes & Noble had a pop-up shop with many of the newest "maker" products and books.


The workshops included a wide range of hi-tech (designing in 3D and making solar panels) to low-tech (shoe design, making slime and pom pom launchers, as well as fashion design and rubber band helicopters). Kids could build with Keva Planks, code the Ozobots to run on tracks they created, design circuits with LittleBits and learn how music is made with Bach2Rock.

According to teacher and organizer Christine Boyer, there was something for everyone.

The Scarsdale Education Foundation funded new t-shirts and members of the Board of Education attended to experience the excitement and great maker energy firsthand.

Heathcote faculty and parents volunteered to make this an exceptional event. See photos here:


Group - Math Team2It was a rewarding week for math and science students from Scarsdale Middle School and Scarsdale High School - and Scarsdale students hosted an A Cappella Competition this weekend. Here's all the news:

The Scarsdale High School Math Team won first place in the Westchester Interscholastic Math League. Three of the six students who won first place in the individual rankings are from Scarsdale. They are: Alan Chung, Dexin Li and Richard Xu.

According to math teacher Laura Estersohn, the Westchester Interscholastic Math League has six meets throughout the year. The winners are based on the total scores from these six competitions. The final competition was held on Monday, March 6 at Byram Hills High School.

Twenty-three school districts participate in the league. Approximately 20 Scarsdale students in grades 9 through 12 take part in the competitions, The students are grouped into teams of five players. Scarsdale's highest scoring team of 5 is the one that finished first in the league.

Westchester Science and Engineering Fair

On Saturday, March 4th, science students from Scarsdale High School attended the Westchester Science and Engineering Fair (WESEF), and brought home a number of awards: According to SHS Science Teacher Dylan Prendergast, Scarsdale students won the following awards:

Special Awards:
ASU Walton Sustainability Solutions Award:
Environmental Science - Karen Zaklama

Think STEAM Award:
Medicine and Health - Roshni Mehta

Excellence in Medical Research Award:
Biochemistry - Milena Nutrobkina
Biochemistry - Annling Wang
Medicine and Health - Sabeen Khan

College Admission Central Science Horizons Award:
Medicine and Health - Amanda Girardi

Intel Excellence in Computer Science:
Computer Science - Katie Yang

Best in Category:
Third Place:
Computer Science - Katie Yang
Environmental Science - Karen Zaklama
Medicine and Health - Dan Beitler

Second Place:
Behavior and Social Science - Dexin Li
Chemistry - Alex Magid

First Place:
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics - Nivi Ravi
Medicine and Health - Lauren Singer

Grand Prize:
Regeneron/Acorda ISEF Award:
Medicine and Health - Lauren Singer

Of particular note, Lauren's score was in the top twelve out of approximately 600 projects, winning her an all expenses paid trip to the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) in Los Angeles, CA. ISEF is seen as the Olympics of science fairs, and her qualification is an amazing success.

In addition, on Tuesday March 7th, Lauren Singer and Annling Wang competed via PowerPoint presentation at the Upstate Junior Science and Humanities Symposium (Upstate JSHS). They earned their qualification by winning in their categories at the Westchester-Rockland Junior Science and Humanities Symposium (WR-JSHS). At Upstate JSHS, Lauren Singer won third in her category and Annling Wang received the American Chemical Society (ACS) Scholarship award for best paper in chemistry.


You Be the Chemist Challenge

Four 8th graders from Scarsdale Middle School qualified for the state competition of the You Be the Chemist Challenge. 8th grade science teacher Daniel Tocci administered the first round of questions to 20 middle school students, five of which went on to the local challenge on March 11th. Of these five, Adam Dickstein, Luna Graziottin, Curtis Chang, and Amy Hu qualified, along with 18 other students from Westchester County, to move on to the state round on April 29th in Tarrytown. Finalists from the state rounds move on to Nationals on June 19th in Washington DC. Best of luck to our Scarsdale competitors!

From "The "You Be The Chemist Challenge" is an interactive academic contest that encourages students in grades 5-8 to explore chemistry concepts and their real-world applications. The Challenge provides a unique opportunity for a variety of individuals and organizations—including schools, members of the chemical industry, educators, and other community partners—to come together and show their support for STEM education."

A Capella Competitionacapella

Scarsdale High School hosted the 18th annual a cappella competition benefiting Gilda's Club of Westchester on Sunday March 12. The competition featured six a cappella groups from John Jay High School, Bronxville High School, Scarsdale High School, and Horace Greeley High School. The event raises money and awareness each year for Gilda's Club, a free support center for people and families affected by cancer.

Scarsdale High School was represented by For Good Measure led by Jack Solodar (Business Officer), Lena Proctor (Higher Voice Officer) and Robby Chappell (Lower Voice Officer) The co-ed singing group performed Ed Sheeran's Give Me Love (solo by junior Jack Solodar) and Ben E. King's Stand By Me (solo by freshman Ian Fischer).

troy2At a school board meeting with much positive news reported on 3-20, the biggest smiles and applause filled the room upon Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and Leadership Development Drew Patrick's announcement of Meghan Troy as the next principal of Scarsdale Middle School Principal.

Mr. Patrick said," It is with great pleasure that I introduce the candidate being recommended to succeed Mike McDermott as principal of Scarsdale Middle School - one of our own - Meghan Troy. A gifted educator and educational leader, Meghan is currently completing her 16th year as a social studies teacher at Scarsdale Middle School, where she has also served as Department Chair for the last five. Early in the interview process, Meghan shared her core philosophy with the committee - cura personalis, care for the entire person. This concept emphasizes individualized attention to the needs of the other, distinct respect for his or her unique circumstances and concerns, and an appropriate appreciation for his or her particular gifts and insights. I can't think of a more appropriate guiding principle for a leader of our middle school.....This afternoon at the Middle School, Dr. Hagerman had the opportunity to thank Mike McDermott for the quantity and quality of his contributions to this school district, and to the profession at large. The duration of the ovation he received in response to that acknowledgement speaks to the size of the proverbial shoes Meghan is being asked to fill. We are confident the shoes will fit.

Superintendent Dr. Thomas Hagerman spoke up at this point to add that the announcement of Meghan Troy's appointment also drew a standing ovation at the Middle School that afternoon.

Asked to comment on her new role, Mrs. Troy replied:
I am thrilled and excited to be taking on the role of principal at Scarsdale Middle School. I look forward to working with the tremendous faculty, staff, parents and students. As a teacher and administrator at the middle school for sixteen years, I have come to learn and live by the high standards that Scarsdale holds. In this new role, I will continue to foster these values for myself, the staff, faculty and students.

I believe that we need to always move forward and innovate while respecting the rich history and tradition that makes Scarsdale Middle School an outstanding institution. We also need to respect and embrace where our middle level learners are in their development and build a community and culture that supports them where they are in this moment.

We will continue to build an environment where we challenge our students academically, meet them where they are developmentally, and help them build skills that go beyond the walls of the classroom. It is through a supportive and encouraging community that we are able to help our students build the confidence to take risks and stretch their thinking.

I am truly honored to be taking on this new role.

Special Education: Expanding and Inclusive

The second featured topic of the evening was the Special Education Report, led by Director of Special Education and Student services Eric Rauschenbach.

Mr. Rauschenbach emphasized that the philosophy and pedagogy of the department is first and foremost strength-based, focusing on allowing students to access the general education curriculum while maximizing their strengths and interests.

Looking at trends in the student population, he noted that 7% are served under Section 504 plans, and 9% under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Of this population, 91% are served within the district.

Elementary teachers Megan Matthews, Francesca Erigo Ross, and Rachel Witmer then continued to describe the co-teaching methods they are specedteachersusing to create successful learning environments for their inclusion classrooms. With methods such as structuring multiple learning stations, they provide access points in the curriculum for all learners. Among other benefits, they report that the approach bolsters students' teamwork skills as they mirror the co-teachers collaborative approach.

Dr. Elliot Cohen, Director of Psychology and Middle School Psychologist continued the report of Special Education innovation, describing a new mentoring program he developed and set in motion with the support of former C.H.I.L.D. president Leanne Freda. In this program SHS special education students return to the Middle School to mentor their 6th grade counterparts. The younger students gain perspective on their current challenges and learn from positive role models, while the older students gain purpose and insight from their service role. Dr. Cohen remarked that he is looking for ways to expand this model, as it "serves the district's commitment to wellness and the 'whole child' at two different age levels at once."

The third and final section of the Special Education Report was presented by Dr. Kristin Oliverio, School Psychologist, and Catherine Flores, Special Education Teacher on this year's new high school program, the SSP (Scarsdale Support Program). With the goal of serving more students within their home district rather than placing them out, the SSP can address social/emotional/behavioral issues that interfere with academic functioning. Dr. Oliverio and Ms. Flores provide various modes of counseling, a calm and supportive alternative space, and close communication with home and teachers to help students reach their goals.

School Board member Art Rublin asked how the SSP "has played out, versus expectations?" Mr. Rauschenbach replied, "We're at capacity. The interest and need is there....the staff has done a great job of discovering what students need and making it work."

The conclusion of the multi-part presentation was met with notably warm applause from those present, as Board Member William Natbony remarked, "The progress the last few years has been remarkable."

Current Construction and Future Planning

A third major topic took up the Board's attention on Monday evening: current construction and future planning.

Stuart Mattey, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Facilities, reported on the status of current projects. The Learning Commons area at the high school is nearing the end of the demolition phase, and the Fitness Center has progressed to electrical and HVAC work with anticipation that the basic space will be finished in May with furnishing and outfitting to follow. The Middle School orchestra addition is also underway with progress expected to accelerate as the snow clears.

Regarding future planning, Mr. Mattey said the newly selected architecture firm, BBS, has "hit the ground running since coming on board." They are approaching the work with three teams, the first to investigate school operations and daily functioning, the second to take the engineering point of view and delve into infrastructure, and the third to measure every district space to ensure everyone is working from accurate information. When they have a full, up-to-date view, strategic planning is expected to begin within the next 2-3 weeks.

And Greenacres?greeacrestoday

Take note, Greenacres residents! Things are proceeding quickly, as the Board discovered.

William Natbony inquired, "Any clue how the timeline for Greenacres looks?" and Mr. Mattey replied, "The timeline for Greenacres is the same timeline as all the rest....Conversations will have to start soon if the potential bond vote is November/December 2018."

Regarding the architects, Board President Lee Maude said, "One of the reasons we liked them was that they have their own engineers. Have they looked at Greenacres?" "Yes, they are essentially doing the same work of the previous architects all over again, " explained Mr. Mattey.

Board Member Nina Cannon asked, "At what point is there more community involvement with stakeholders?" Mr. Mattey: "That will be part of the conversation we have with them next week, making a plan to roll out information with the Board and community, making time for good, in-depth discussion. We're going to have to have a very concentrated schedule to make sure we get to the end point at the right time."

The End of the Budget Process Nears

William Natbony announced that he and several Board Members had attended a League of Women Voters meeting to discuss the current budget and respond to questions. Interested community members may view the exchange on the School Board website, expected to post Friday, March 24.

The next Budget Forum will take place on Monday, March 27 at 6:30 pm.


ramaquoisSummer dreaming? Looking forward to trading snow boots for sandals, scarves for swimsuits and school for the pool? Then it's time to make plans for summer camps and activities for the kids. We reached out to many local programs for details and here is a list of summer camps, enrichment programs, sports centers and nursery programs for kids from toddlers to teens. Check them out and if you get in touch, let them know you saw their listing on
Day Camps:

Breezemont: Located on an expansive 18-acre property, Breezemont is nestled in natural surroundings. The campus maintains large green fields, towering trees, and a beautiful lake, which is a unique feature for a day camp. Complete with state of the art facilities, Breezemont preserves the appearance of an overnightbreezemont camp, while implementing a creatively robust day camp schedule. Ages 3-13 years old. Tours are provided 7 days a week.
Breezemont Day Camp
62 Cox Avenue
Armonk, NY 10504

Challenge Camp: Open the door to a delightful and meaningful summer of fun and learning for your bright, curious child. Challenge Camp is an ACA accredited camp celebrating its 37th summer. Join them at their new, fully air conditioned facility in ChallengeCampHartsdale, NY. Challenge is dedicated to providing meaningful opportunities for children aged 4-15 to realize their intellectual and personal potential. They offer over 100 enrichment courses ranging from 3D printing, architecture, art, chess, coding, cooking, drones, littleBits, magic, Minecraft, robotics, theater, and more. Sports options include Swimming, Fencing and Tae Kwon Do. Bus transportation and early/extended day options available. Please join them for an Open House on Sunday March 26, 2-4pm at their location.
Challenge Camp
Schechter Westchester
555 West Hartsdale Avenue
Hartsdale, NY 10530

Concordia Summer Camp offers exceptional summer programs for children ages 3 to 18. Programs include Enrichment, General Sports, Slam Dunk Basketball Camp, Musical Theatre, Rock/Pop Music, Piano, Suzuki Guitar and Violin, Chamber Music, Vocal, Songwriting and Composition and Art......and don't miss their water inflatable fun Fridays! All classrooms are air-conditioned.
Concordia Summer Campconcordia
171 White Plains Road
Bronxville, NY

The House of Sports is your one stop shopping for weekly sports camps this summer! From ages 3 years old through high school, the House of Sports offers programming for children of all ages and ability level. For our younger campers, we offer a multi-sport camp that incorporates both learning and playing a variety of sports each day. For children in 3rd grade and older, they also offer sport specific camps in lacrosse, basketball, soccer and baseball. All camps take place in a 100,000 square foot climate controlled facility in Ardsley, and all camps are staffed by professional coaches and instructors.
House of Sports
1 Elm Street
Ardsley, NY

JCCMWFor over 40 years, the JCC of Mid-Westchester has introduced children to the joy of summer camping. They offer seven weeks of camps, with a five day per week or three day per week option, which is ideal for young campers. The day camp introduces campers to a variety of professionally led activities and weekly special events including instructional and recreational swim in their heated indoor pool (beginning with 3 year olds), gymnastics, a variety of different sports activities, arts and crafts, nature. They offer low staff to camper ratio and early drop off/late pick up. Unique to the JCC is its renowned Summer Arts Center (SAC) for the creative and independent child who is interested in the arts. Campers create a custom schedule of up to 20 different classes/week (4/day), all taught by professionals in the field. For campers grades 6 and up who are serious and experienced dance students, there is a comprehensive curriculum of dance and dance-related classes taught by professionals in the state of the art dance studios. The JCC ow offers STEM robotics program as part of its summer offerings. The CIT/LIT programs offer teens the opportunity to gain hands-on counselor training and leadership experience with social action initiatives and weekly trips. LITs that successfully complete the program may be asked back for the following summer as junior counselors.
JCC of Mid-Westchester
999 Wilmot Rd
Scarsdale, NY 10583
Caryn Symons, Director of Camping: 914-472-3300 x 412

Purchase Sports Camp located on the scenic campus ofpurchase Manhattanville College in Purchase will offer weekly summer programs from June 26 to August 11, 2017. The camp is a fun and safe place for kids ages 3 to 15 where top-notch coaches help children of all levels feel at home, and bring their game to the next level. The well-rounded camp experience focuses on developing skills, discovering new interests, meeting new friends and most importantly, having fun.

The facilities include 6 Har-Tru tennis courts located right next to the campus's brand new state-of-the-art astro-turf soccer field, outdoor basketball courts, an indoor pool, and an indoor gymnasium that can be used for basketball and volleyball, and will be used during rainy days. While the primary focus of the camp will be tennis, soccer, basketball, baseball, lacrosse, cheerleading and flag football, the children will have an opportunity during the day to cool off at the pool, and the option to play other field sports as they like.

Come to our open houses on March 18 and April 15 from 2-4 pm at the Richard A. Berman Student Center Lobby and on May 6 from 2-4 pm in the East Room (Benziger Hall) at Manhattanville College. Register by March 31 for a $75 early bird discount (Mention 10583).

For more information, visit, email or call (914) 315-7507.

Camp Ramaquois:
"A day camp as complete as sleep-away camp", situated on 44 magnificent acres in nearby Rockland County. From adventurous activities to creative arts to athletic activities, boys and girls, ages 3-15 experience a traditional day camp program filled with a variety of stimulating activities including instructional and general swim in nine heated pools and boating on a five-acre lake. Seven period programs planned for each age group include a splash park, aerial adventure park, climbing wall, flying squirrel with zip lines, tennis, basketball, volleyball, lacrosse, hockey, softball, soccer, recycling bin, ceramics, nature facility with petting zoo, dance, drama, yoga, special events and much more. Facilities include an air-conditioned indoor gym and group bunks with bathroom facilities. Hot lunch is served in an air-conditioned dining room by waiters and waitresses. Junior Camp for 3-6 year olds has a separate campus with age-appropriate activities and facilities. Ramaquois offers pre-teens and teens a regular camp program in combination with an optional Trail Blazers trip program. Day trips planned for 3rd–10th graders; overnight trips planned for 5th-10th graders; Leadership Program for 10th graders. Door to door air-conditioned mini-bus transportation is provided using professional CDL licensed school bus drivers and a bus counselor, who provides safety, as well as planned activities on the bus. Ramaquois is a magical camp where children experience a sense of adventure, meet new challenges, create wonderful memories and make lasting friendships.

Camp Ramaquois
30 Mountain Rd
Pomona, NY 10970

Steffi Nossen School of Dance weekly dance camps and intensives for pre-school – teen dancers. Register by May 15th and receive a 10% discount! June 5-July 21.
Weekly Story Book Camps June 5 – July 21 for ages 3-5, a morning of movement, music and art with a different children's story each week.

Moving Wheels & Heels Adaptive Adult Intensive - June 19 – 24 Dancers age 16+ learn technique and repertory, improve range of motion, explore and express creativity, and enjoy a collaborative artistic experience. Live music, wheel chairs welcome.

Moving Wheels & Heels Adaptive Youth Camp – June 26 – 29 incorporates dance, movement, and related arts activities in a warm, supportive and creative environment.

Dance Camp – two week camp, July 10 – 21 for grades 5-8. Take classes in Modern, Ballet, Jazz, Hip-Hop, and Musical Theater. Also dance history and composition, choreograph. No previous experience required

Musical Theater Intensive July 24 -August 4 Actor/singers who need more intensive dance training as well as the dancer who would like to explore acting and singing work with professional voice, acting and dance teachers to enhance vocal and acting skills while honing proper dance technique. Beginner – advanced performers.

Summer Dance Intensives I (grades 5-8 beginning/intermediate dancers) and II (grades 9 – 12 dance experience needed) Aug. 7-18. Rapidly improve dance skills and technique, explore new dance styles, and learn from professional dancers and choreographers. Modern, Ballet, Jazz, Musical Theater, Body Conditioning and dance history. Create your own dance compositions.

Early drop off & extended day options. Visit us at Call 914-328-1900 for additional information/ registration. Register by May 15 for a 10% discount.

squirecampsSquire Advantage and Squire Sports Camps at Maria Regina High School in Hartsdale is celebrating its 44th anniversary of operation! An OPEN HOUSE and CARNIVAL is scheduled for Saturday February 4th from 1-4pm. There will be door prizes, bouncy houses, carnival games and food! Instructors and coaches will showcase their courses and tours will be given. Courses are taught in air-conditioned classrooms by certified teachers. Hot lunch is included and transportation is available. Squire Advantage Primary (grades K-3) and Advantage Choice (grades 4-9) is created for campers who wish to custom design their own schedule by choosing courses in the fields of swimming, computers, sports, fine arts, science, cooking, music and more. There are more than 50 different activities to choose from! Squire Sports Camps are divided into two different sports programs. Squire All Sports Academy (ages 6-15) allows for instructing and playing of many different types of sports throughout the day. Sports include tennis, basketball, soccer, baseball, football, etc. Squire Tennis Academy (ages 6-15) is a fun and challenging tennis experience designed for beginners to experienced players. Squire Camps programs run from June 26th until August 11th, 2017.
Squire Advantage and Squire Sports Camps
Maria Regina High School
500 W Hartsdale Ave
Hartsdale, NY 10530
(914) 328-3798

Westchester Skating Academy: Weekly camps for all ages and abilities. Mini Camp, designed for preschool through eight-year-olds, includes two daily skating lessons, plus nature, science, magic, soccer, and crafts from June 12-June 30 and Aug. 14-Sept. 1. Figure Skating Camp with Olympic coaches runs for 11 weeks beginning June 19th. Hockey Camp runs for nine weeks beginning July 3rd and offers excellent player development.
Westchester Skating Academy
91 Fairview Park Drive
Elmsford, NY 10523
(914) 347-8232

The YWCA on North Street in White Plains offers an array of summer day camp programs: ywcaCamp Funkist (ages 4-15) provides non-competitive relaxing days of sports, swimming, visual arts, musical theater, nature, trips, and other age-appropriate summer activities. Full day of Summer Gymnastics for girls and boys offers opportunities for gymnastics to hone their skills. Finally, the YWCA offers Summer Camp for Children with Developmental Disabilities, which is designed to complement extended school-year programs. Parents can also take advantage of summer swimming classes set up around vacation schedules. The YWCA has well-equipped indoor and outdoor facilities. Experienced and qualified staff-led recreational and instructional swimming.
515 North Street
White Plains, New York
Camp Funkist (914) 949-6227 x168
Gymnastics Program (914) 949-6227 x135
Camp for Children with Developmental Disabilities (914) 949-6227 x108

For the Younger Set:

BethElBeth El has been widely recognized as the best-in-class day camp in Westchester since 1951. Children from ages 2-7 love the sports, swimming in the pool, music, arts & crafts, singing, dancing, nature, storytelling, yoga, karate, and much more. Proudly accredited by the American Camp Association (ACA), Beth El Day Camp is also known for its nurturing environment, cutting-edge programming, and commitment to safety. They have the county's finest, best-trained professional staff, and a very favorable child/staff ratio. Healthy lunches provided, with gluten and dairy free options. Whether this is your child's first camp experience or not, at Beth El everything begins with love and ends in fun. Spots fill up quickly, so don't wait too long to sign up!
Beth El Synagogue Center
1324 North Avenue
New Rochelle, NY 10804
Julie Rockowitz, Director: (914) 235-2700, x256

Inchworm at the Scarsdale Congregational Church Nursery School has been a summer program in the community for over 30 years. Inchworm is a morning-only program open to children who will be entering Three's classes, Four's classes, or kindergarten for the 2017/2018 school year. Inchworm staff are all experienced preschool teachers. Each day at Inchworm includes indoor play, arts and crafts, stories, games and snack. There is also a special activity every day, such as a visit from a Nature Specialist, music, or a gym/fitness class - outdoor playground and sprinkler play, too. Each week at Inchworm features a different theme, such as pirates, camping, gardening and sports. The daily activities and crafts are geared toward that week's theme. Inchworm is a four-day-a-week program—Mondays through Thursdays from 9:15am to 12:00 noon. Summer 2017 program dates are
June 26th to August 3rd. Tuition is $195.00 per week (2 week minimum required).
Scarsdale Congregational Church
One Heathcote Road
Scarsdale, NY 10583

Summer Scene at The Little School combines the fun of summer camp littleschoolwith early childhood learning in a structured, nurturing environment under the guidance of acclaimed teachers. Children enjoy adventure filled days that incorporate active athletic play, swimming at the Scarsdale Pool, art projects, music, play centers and plenty of time outdoors. Each week features a different Theme Adventure or Special Event, creating added excitement and learning opportunities. Theme Adventures give the children a chance to expand their talents and interests, build self-confidence and create lasting friendships. Samples of our themes include Freedom Rocks, Ocean Odyssey, In the Garden, Superhero Week (Scarsdale Fire and Police visit), Down on the Farm (animals visit KBLS), Strummin and Drummin (music event) and Jolly Roger Pirate Adventure (storyteller visits). The program is open to children 3 and 4 years of age. The 7-week program runs Monday - Friday from June 27 - August 11. The Full Day program is 9am - 3pm, with a 9am – 1pm half-day option for 3 year olds. Extended hours before and after camp are available from 7am - 6:30pm. Lunch and a healthy snack are provided each day.
The Little School
307 Mamaroneck Road
Scarsdale, NY 10583
(914) 472-5409

SSTTEKidsScarsdale Synagogue's Summer Stars Summer Program is the perfect place for your child's first camp experience. This warm and nurturing program is a seven-week camp for children 18 months to 5 years old. The campers are engaged in activities such as sports, music, art, story time, daily water play and much, much more. There are special theme days each week such as Circus Day, Hawaiian Day or Carnival Day. At Summer Stars, friendships are formed and children grow socially, emotionally and intellectually as they engage in fun, stimulating summer activities. There is a three day option for Toddlers ages 18 to 30 months and 2 year olds may choose the three day option or attend five mornings a week. Three to 5 year olds may choose a half-day, 9am -12 noon option or a full day option from 9am - 2pm and will be served a lunch sent from home.
Scarsdale Synagogue
2 Ogden Road
Scarsdale, NY

St. James The Less Fun In The Sun Summer Program is a morning program for children aged 2, 3, 4 or 5 years old or those entering kindergarten in the fall. Staffed by experienced nursery school teachers,StJamesSummer the Fun in the Sun Summer Program offers outdoor playgrounds, water tables and sprinklers, plus music and movement, gym and yoga classes, arts and crafts and fun weekly themes. Directed by Cheryl Smith, the program runs from 9 - 11:45 am, Monday through Thursday from June 26 to August 3. For the two's program, there is one counselor for every five campers. For the 3,4,5's, there is a 1 to 7 counselor camper ratio. Fees are $100 per week for 2 days and $200 per week for 4 days.
Fun In The Sun Summer Program
St. James the Less
Crane Road and Church Lane
Scarsdale, NY 10583
Cheryl Smith, Director 914-723-1018

Westchester Reform Temple's "Summer Play Place Camp" offers young children a unique 7 week summer experience. The professional staff provides arts and crafts, water-play, stories, games, athletics and snack within a nurturing and loving environment. The 3's and 4's program is enhanced by specialists in music, movement and nature and special theme days. There are wrtseparation classes and classes with a loved one to stay as options for children who will be entering a 2's program in September. The little ones also enjoy crafts, water-play and music. Your children will learn, laugh and flourish.
Westchester Reform Temple
255 Mamaroneck Road
Scarsdale, NY 10583

Find the Perfect Camp for your Child:

Spectacular Summers: If you are thinking about camp or a teen program for your child for this summer or next, Ellen Wylie of Spectacular Summers would be happy to help you. Ellen has many years of experience in the industry and knows the camps and teen programs well. Every summer, Ellen personally visits and observes many camps while they are in session. During the rest of the year, she speaks to and meets with directors and obtains feedback from families she has placed. As a result, Ellen has the up-to-date knowledge and information to make the right recommendations for each child. She would be happy to share her personal knowledge spectacularsummersand expertise with you. Ellen will gain a thorough understanding of your child and what you are looking for and then provide well-thought out suggestions. The service is free of charge to parents. Ellen is highly respected by camp directors and parents alike.

Phone: Ellen Wylie (914) 722-2644

What else?

The Scarsdale Recreation Summer Day Camp offers four camps for children from Kindergarten through eighth grade, including recreational and educational programs and daily swimming at the Scarsdale Pool. The camp accommodates about 900 children in grades K-8. Camp Sagamore is for children entering kindergarten, Camp Lenape for first graders, Camp Wapetuck for second graders and Camp Pathunke is for kids in third through eighth grades. The season runs from July 3-Friday, Aug. 4 (no camp July 4) from 9am - 3:30pm. Transportation is provided from each elementary school, Scarsdale High School, George Field scarsdalepoolPark, Kids' BASE and the Scarsdale Pool. There are also combination camps for third-eighth graders who can choose soccer or sports camp in the morning and regular day camp in the afternoon. The Village offers two sessions of Teen Travel Camp for sixth through ninth graders, who go on a different trip each day.
Phone: (914) 722-1160