Sunday, Mar 09th

You Are Invited to Make A Difference

juniorleaguephotoThe Junior League of Central Westchester (JLCW) is inviting women from Eastchester, Greenburgh, Scarsdale and White Plains to their semi-annual “New Member Coffees” at historic Wayside Cottage on September 23.

Prospective members will learn of the JLCW’s efforts to improve the lives of people throughout their community. Through literacy events, book drives, delivering food to soup kitchens, community clean-up, and other hands-on events, members develop deep roots and bonds within the League while effecting real change in their community.

New members enter a training course where they complete a short-term project over the course of a few weeks. Recent projects have included Reading Fun Day benefitting Eastchester Community Action Program (ECAP) and Healthy Kids Day for Head Start Preschool children in White Plains. New members learn to use the support network built into the JLCW and acquire new skills in fundraising, allocation, team-building, and event planning.

The informational coffees will be a chance to meet current JLCW members, get to know other prospective members and learn more about the organization.

  • Thursday, September 23rd, 9:30am or 8:00pm
  • Wayside Cottage - 1039 Post Road, Scarsdale, NY.
  • RSVP by September 16th to or by phone to (914) 723-6130.