Sunday, Mar 09th

24 Teachers Granted Tenure

Tenure Class of 2024What better way to celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week than by granting tenure to our district’s eligible faculty members? At a special Tenure Meeting held by the Board of Education on Monday May 6th, the BOE recognized the hard work and dedication of twenty-four teachers when they approved the Superintendent’s recommendation to confer tenure for these individuals.

Superintendent Dr. Drew Patrick began the special celebratory meeting by expressing his heartfelt appreciation for all of Scarsdale’s teachers saying that, “It is our teachers that make our schools such special places to learn and grow,” and recognized that they, “work day in and day out to reach our full mission with the whole child in mind.” He went on to celebrate the twenty-four candidates for tenure by acknowledging their hard work during the rigorous tenure process.

Meghan Troy, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, echoed Dr. Patrick’s appreciation of the teacher’s efforts and went on to describe the rigors of the tenure process saying:

“Our appraisal system during the probationary period relies on a wide variety of inputs to inform a decision to recommend tenure, including:

At least four formal classroom observations (school visits for administrators) annually, which include a discussion, reflection, written report, and rating, conducted by supervisors (i.e., department chair) and administrators (i.e., principal, assistant principal).

An observation by an Assistant Superintendent and/or Director, annually.

Numerous informal drop-in observations by supervisors and administrators.

Formal and informal mentoring.

A portfolio of materials documenting professional practice, with written commentary.

A year-end conference, written appraisal, assessment of progress, and rating, annually.

A parent survey, as well as ongoing feedback from members of the community.

An administrative review panel attended by District administrators, building administrators, supervisors, and Board of Education members, annually.

It is our expectation that the rigors of the tenure process are commensurate with the importance of the achievement.”

Troy then enthusiastically recommended the candidates for tenure in their designated areas and invited principals from each school to introduce and honor each of the following candidates:


The joyful event came to a close after the Board of Education unanimously approved the recommendation of the Superintendent and the packed room (filled with supporters, teachers, and their families) erupted into gleeful cheers and a standing ovation.