Style Your Own Pair of TOMS And Give Back
- Monday, 11 October 2010 17:13
- Last Updated: Monday, 11 October 2010 22:42
- Published: Monday, 11 October 2010 17:13
- Hits: 4978
The Scarsdale High School TOMS Club is holding its first Style Your Sole event on Saturday, October 30 in Chase Park from 2 pm to 5 pm. People can participate in the event by pre-ordering a pair of blank, canvas TOMS, which they will pick up and decorate at the park. The TOMS Organization was founded in 2006 by Blake Mycoskie on the simple premise, One for One. For every pair of TOMS shoes purchased, a pair of TOMS shoes is given to a child in need. Since 2006, TOMS has given away over 1 million shoes. Their drop sites include parts of Africa, Asia, America and Eurasia.
Each pair of TOMS is worth $40. Cash or checks made out to cash, along with order forms must be given to Justine Gelfman, no later than October 15th. You can print out the form below, complete it bring it with your payment to 106 Brite Avenue, Scarsdale New York. If there are any questions, feel free to email the TOMS Club at
TOMS Shoes Order Form
Style Your Sole
A Style Your Sole party is people coming together to express themselves and help children in need by customizing their own blank, canvas TOMS.
The TOMS Style Your Sole Event will be on October 30th in Chase Park from 2 pm to 5 pm. Each pair of TOMS is worth $40. Please fill out the following form and enclose the corresponding amount of cash. Return this slip to 106 Brite Avenue Scarsdale, NY by October 15:
No. of Shoes: ___________________
Shoe Size(s): Please specify Women, Men or Youth: _______________
Half sizes available for 6, 7, 8 and 9
Questions? Call Justine Gelfman at (914) 772-3517
Thanks for your support.