Holiday Events in Scarsdale
- Wednesday, 07 December 2011 11:40
- Last Updated: Thursday, 08 December 2011 08:14
- Published: Wednesday, 07 December 2011 11:40
- Hits: 3743
Kids of all ages and grown-ups too enjoyed a visit with Santa and the holiday tree lighting in Scarsdale’s Boniface Circle on Friday evening December 2nd. Santa drove up in an antique fire truck and greeted the crowd with a ho, ho, ho. Kids lined up to chat with Santa, take a photo and let him know what was on their holiday list. Lange’s brought out the grill and provided graham crackers and chocolate for s’mores and served hot cocoa as well.
The event was sponsored by the Scarsdale Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with Scarsdale Village. On the scene were Mayor Miriam Flisser, Carolyn Stevens and Lewis Arlt from the Chamber and a contingent of Scarsdale’s finest.
The event attracted a crowd and everyone cheered when the tree was lit.
In other holiday news, on Thursday December 8th, Village shops will stay open late for holiday shopping accompanied by holiday tunes. On December 22, 23 and 24 there will be three days of free holiday parking in the Village Center at the 90-minute meters. Take care of last minute holiday shopping without fear of getting a ticket.
See our photo gallery from the tree lighting below:
Santa Letters: Ho, Ho, Ho. Santa will be stopping again in Scarsdale to pick up letters from good girls and boys. The deadline for submitting letters is Friday, December 19. Santa’s mailboxes are located at Chase Bank (East Parkway), Post Office, Village Hall and Heathcote Deli. Santa will be looking forward to receiving your letters.
This December, Westchester Reform Temple (WRT) welcomes families with young children to join in two special Chanukah celebrations.
On December 9th, families with preschool aged children are invited to celebrate Chanukah at Tot Shabbat. The program will begin at 5:30 pm with a short, music filled service led by Cantor Mia Fram Davidson. This celebration of the festival of lights will be followed by dinner and a children’s art project. Please RSVP to Ellen Rosenberg at
On the afternoon of December 13th, WRT’s Early Childhood Center (ECC) and The PJ Library Program @WRT will present “Stories of Chanukah” at the ECC’s annual book fair. Preschool guests are invited to attend a 4:00 pm reading of a Chanukah tale with ECC Director, Sue Tolchin; milk and cookies will be served. The book fair will be open that afternoon from 3:45pm to 5:15pm. All proceeds from the fair will benefit the Parent-Child Home Program of Westchester Jewish Community Services (WJCS).
The PJ Library, an internationally award-winning Jewish family engagement program, launched last fall at Westchester Reform Temple. Created by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, The PJ Library program sends free, high-quality, age appropriate Jewish books each month to children to read at bedtime with their families. Families interested in signing up for The PJ Library are encouraged to visit for information and a membership application.