Sunday, Mar 09th

Autism Science Club Auction and Bear Givers Fundraiser

autismclubOn Sunday, April 15th from 1pm to 3pm, Scarsdale High School’s Autism Science Foundation Club will host a fundraiser at Westchester Reform Temple. This will feature live music by Scarsdale High School’s For Good Measure, food catered by Buon Amici Deli, and a Silent Auction. The auction will include items such as a signed basketball by Carmelo Anthony, Yankee Tickets, meet and greet with Top Chef’s Carla Hall, tennis and baseball lessons, gift certificates to many stores and restaurants in Scarsdale, and more! Entrance fee is $25 for adults and $15 dollars for students. All of the money raised and donated will go directly to the foundation.

SHS Autism Science Foundation is a student club of the organization Autism Science Foundation. Autism Science Foundation is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to providing funding directly to scientists who are conducting cutting-edge autism research to discover the causes of autism and develop better treatments. The club works to further the mission of Autism Science Foundation.

They raise money for the organization while working to educate the community about autism. With close to one hundred members, they strive to make a difference.

The CDC has recently updated Autism statistics to now 1 in 88 children and 1 in 48 boys are diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, from the previous 1 in 110. The group hope to raise $10,000 from the event to donate to the foundation, and asks for your help and support to make the event successful. For questions, or an invitation e-mail

Club Presidents: Alexandra Levine and Lauren Alin. Club Officers: Claire D’Silva, Jacki Sharlach, Rachel Kusnick, Niki Kass, Andrea Quartner, Adam Rolison

Bear Givers Fundraiserberagivers

Spring is in the air at Scarsdale Middle School which is why seventh graders, Leah Glucksman and Jenna Marcus have decided this is the perfect time of year to have a local fundraiser for a non-profit organization called Bear Givers. Bear Givers brings joy to the lives of children in need with the gift of a soft, cuddly teddy bear. Through hospital visits and school programs, they touch the lives of children and their families across the country and around the world.

As a way to raise money for Bear Givers and The Maria Ferrari Children’s Hospital at Westchester Medical Center, the teens will sell these cute teddy bears with Scarsdale school logos on the front. They feel this is a great way to support a worthwhile cause and at the same time show school spirit.

If you are interested in buying a bear the girls will be taking orders on Saturday, April 14th from 1-3pm at All Good Things located at 1074 Wilmot Road in the Golden Horseshoe. Each bear costs $25 dollars. Proceeds from the sales will benefit The Maria Ferrari Children’s Hospital, and for every bear sold, Bear Givers will donate a teddy bear to the children at The Maria Ferrari Children’s Hospital. Come out and show your support.

Picture caption: Jenna Marcus on left (Greenacres class of ‘10) and Leah Glucksman on right (Quaker Ridge class of ‘10).