Sunday, Mar 09th

Scarsdale College Students Need Your Support

shsgrad11classThis letter was submitted by Monica Rieckhoff on behalf of the SHS PTA Scholarship Fund: As a 17 year old, I was thrilled by the prospect of heading off to college. Then, the reality of college costs arrived in the form of a financial aid package. My parents would be able to cover a portion of the fees and I would max out student loans and have a work-study job in the cafeteria. Additionally, the college provided a partial scholarship. It was enough to get by as long as I didn’t come home more than once a year and worked during school breaks.
But what if my mother or siblings had become ill, my parents divorced or my father lost his job? Divorce, disease, death and job loss have hurt families in Scarsdale, affecting their high school senior's ability to afford college. The SHS PTA Scholarship Fund is our community resource, for any Scarsdale student who has exhausted their means to pay for the first year of college. This year the need is greater than ever- applications have doubled while donations have declined 25 percent over the past two years. It is hard for a family to reach out for help and even harder to be rejected. Please consider making a donation to help these students.

Monica Rieckhoff
SHS PTA Scholarship Fund for College -- Board Member

Donations can be made at . Or checks payable to SHS PTA Scholarship Fund can be sent to PO Box 147H, Scarsdale, NY 10583