Worth Writing About
- Thursday, 02 August 2012 07:47
- Last Updated: Thursday, 02 August 2012 16:08
- Published: Thursday, 02 August 2012 07:47
- Hits: 4238
This article was contributed by Greenacres resident Linda Flaxer who is a part-time senior tutor at the Writing Center at WCC and assist students with their college and grad school essays and resumes privately: As a Writing Tutor at Westchester Community College, I have been inspired by so many students: One grew up in a small rural village in Ghana where her Grandmother was the local mid-wife. She is now on her way to becoming a neo-natal nurse and wants to eventually establish a non-profit organization to have a global impact on expectant mothers and their newborns. Another is completing her degree in Early Childhood Education. She plans to further advance her education and become a bi-lingual, Spanish-English speech therapist to children. A man whose life took him around some very difficult turns, is studying to become a Para-legal. In the future, his goal is to enter the seminary and become a Rabbi. These students juggle full time jobs, families and community commitments in addition to school. They are truly admirable.
I love this position. It is challenging and full of the unknown. I am called on to make a difference each time I come in to volunteer or work. I interact with students of all ages, nationalities, life stories and talents. I expand my knowledge base of History, Marketing, Psychology, Early Childhood Education and Art History, sometimes even Philosophy and Chemistry. I obtain renewed perspectives on some of my favorite authors, short stories, poems and plays, and become familiar with new ones. Whether I have been at the Writing Tutorial two or five hours, I leave having helped others and having made personal connections with people from all walks of life.
The writing center is busy, and we’re always looking for new volunteers. If you’re interested in becoming a tutor at the WCC Writing Tutorial for the Fall Semester, now is the right time to contact the volunteer office. To learn more about this and other volunteer opportunities, please go to the Westchester Community College website at www.sunywcc.edu , navigate to the “About Us” tab and drop down to “Volunteering.” Hope to see you on campus!