Greenacres Students, the JLCW and the Brownies Bring Cheer for the Holidays
- Tuesday, 16 December 2014 12:44
- Last Updated: Wednesday, 17 December 2014 08:27
- Published: Tuesday, 16 December 2014 12:44
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 4893
Greenacres Students Visit the Hebrew Home: Ninety Greenacres students visited the Hebrew Home at Riverdale on December 15. This has been an annual tradition since the 1999-2000 school year. During their visit, the students learned about 1916 trivia (the year Greenacres opened) from Hebrew Home President and CEO (and Greenacres alum) Daniel Reingold. He quizzed students about the cost of a loaf of bread in 1916 (9 cents!), who won the World Series that year (Chicago White Sox) and other interesting information. From there, the kids got to work, interviewing residents about where they are from, where they grew up, and what life was like for them as children. Some of the Hebrew Home residents interviewed are centenarians, who reminisced about life before television and cars!
JLCW Hosts Benefit for Greenburgh Children
The Junior League of Central Westchester (JLCW) hosted a pizza dinner and cupcake decorating on Friday, December 12, to honor the Greenburgh Housing Authority's After-School Program's kids and volunteers and to present much needed supplies and support to this successful and growing program.
The Greenburgh Housing Authority (GHA) runs an after-school program for approximate 30 children ages 5-17. The GHA believes in a "holistic approach to promote educational achievement of the young people" in the area. The after school program, which is headed strictly by volunteers, provides attendees with homework help, reading and school projects. The program also provides an after school snack, a play area which includes arts and crafts and organizes extra-curricular courses, day trips, pizza and movie nights and more.The JLCW held a donations drive for approximately two months to collect much needed items to help the volunteers of GHA to create a more fulfilling and enriching learning environment for the children.
They would like to thank its members, the community and the Greenburgh Stop and Shop and Barnes and Noble for their generous contributions for which the children, their families and the volunteers are extremely grateful.
Brownies Learn the Power of Giving
Brownie Troop 1944 of Edgewood has committed to serving others. This week they collected new toys for kids and gifts for their moms. The troop of twelve wrapped them, for many a first venture at this task, and delivered them to the Carver Center Pantry in Port Chester. The girls are becoming aware of the less fortunate and the joyful feeling of sharing. As they work on their "CARE badge" they have also made sandwiches for the men's homeless shelter in White Plains, collected pasta for the food pantry, and most recently made cards of good cheer for the "Meals on Wheels" program.
This is a special group of girls. Leaders are Jane Martin and Pam Heldman, and assistant Stefanie Oliva.