Sunday, Mar 09th

Paulie's Warriors Run

paulieEach year, fifth grade students at Greenacres Elementary School select a community service project. This year, after losing their friend and classmate Paul Ulysses Jimenez to a brave battle with rhabdomyosarcoma, they have dedicated themselves to raising awareness and research funds to fight pediatric cancer.

To that end, fifth graders are organizing Paulie's Warriors Run, to take place at 9am on June 11, 2016 at the Scarsdale High School. Participants will have forty-five minutes to run/walk around the track and will solicit donations to pediatric cancer research in support of their efforts.

Students, teachers and parent volunteers, have created an event logo and t-shirt, and solicited event participation and corporate donations. They will also donate their time on June 11th to help with set-up, clean-up and assist at the various stations during the Run.

Run participants will be soliciting funds for three organizations dedicated to funding pediatric cancer research. These organizations include the PaulieStrong Foundation, a foundation created by Paul's family dedicated to raising awareness and funding to eliminate childhood cancers. Funds raised through PaulieStrong will go directly to the Pediatric Oncology Team at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center to help fund research to find a cure for pediatric cancer.

Donations in support of Paulie's Warriors Run can be made at

To register for the Run please register at Registration is $25 includes the Paulie's Warrior's Run T Shirt designed by the Greenacres 5th Graders.

For more information, please contact Demece at