Vote in the Citizens Nominating Committe Election on Tuesday November 13
- Thursday, 08 November 2018 11:29
- Last Updated: Thursday, 08 November 2018 11:35
- Published: Thursday, 08 November 2018 11:29
- Madelaine Eppenstein
- Hits: 3622
On Tuesday November 13, one week after the federal and state elections, Scarsdale qualified voters are encouraged to turn out one more time -- to vote for their neighborhood candidates running for seats on the Citizens Nominating Committee (CNC), and to vote on amendments to the Village's Non-Partisan Resolution.
All qualified voters in Scarsdale can participate -- it doesn't matter which political party you're registered in, or no party at all. If you're 18 years old, a U.S. citizen, and have lived in Scarsdale for 30 days or more on November 13, you're eligible to vote.
Unlike New York State and Village elections VOTING BY MAIL IS AN OPTION. The Mail-In Ballot must be received in the Procedure Committee PO Box 284 by 5 PM on November 13. Download the Mail-In Ballot here:
Scarsdale’s Non-Partisan System promotes the election of candidates who are qualified by reason of their civic abilities and experience, rather than political aspirations. Each year Village residents elect their neighborhood representatives to serve on an all-volunteer CNC, which in turn selects a non-partisan slate of candidates for the village offices of trustee (each year), mayor (every two years), and village justice (every four years).
The system belongs to everyone: there is no party registration requirement. Any Scarsdale resident can automatically participate in the Non-Partisan System. Anyone can propose a candidate’s name for village office to the CNC. Candidates are typically proposed by neighbors or fellow community volunteers who respect the candidate’s judgment and value the candidate’s history of involvement in village affairs. Candidates are free of special interest lobbying. Candidates are not beholden to special interests or parties, and the pool of people the system can tap is larger than a party-based system. Elected official’s positions are derived by listening to community residents, gathering all available information and using good judgment to determine what is in the best interest of the village as a whole.
Learn more about Scarsdale's 88-year old Non-Partisan system here.