Scarsdale Cub Scouts Pack 440 Revs Up Engines at this year’s Pinewood Derby
- Tuesday, 26 March 2019 14:32
- Last Updated: Tuesday, 26 March 2019 14:52
- Published: Tuesday, 26 March 2019 14:32
- Midori Im
- Hits: 4640
First graders Dylan and Ayden (with mom Suzanne) experienced their first Pinewood Derby. Photo courtesy of Midori Im.One of the highlights of the year for Cub Scouts is the Pinewood Derby, a tradition in scouting that dates back to the fifties. Scouts are tasked with cutting original designs out of a block of wood, while at the same time making it race-worthy on the track. The scouts have a chance to showcase their imagination, and this year was no exception.
On March 24th Pack 440’s boys and one female scout (you can guess below which car is hers) raced their cool designs by den (grade level group). Each scout that finished first in their den will then be eligible to participate in the race at the district level, to be held next Saturday in Crestwood. The most successful racers will end up at the national race.
More information about the Pinewood Derby and other scouting events hosted by Pack 440 can be obtained by contacting
Ben with dad Noah. Ben was the fastest kindergartener this year. Photo courtesy of Midori Im.
9 year old Charlie took home the grand prize for the fastest vehicle in the pack, as well as having the best time in his den. Photo courtesy of Midori Im.
Sleek cars designed by experienced third graders at the gate.
Scouts and parents alike watch to see who crosses the finish line first. Photo courtesy of Midori Im.