Scarsdale High School Awards and National Merit Finalists
- Wednesday, 12 May 2021 08:29
- Last Updated: Wednesday, 08 May 2024 08:22
- Published: Wednesday, 12 May 2021 08:29
- Jamie Robelen
- Hits: 6997
Scarsdale High School Awards:
On Wednesday night, May 5th, 53 Scarsdale High School students were honored for their achievements at the annual awards ceremony. Faculty and administrators of SHS, along with a few Scarsdale community members, came together to recognize juniors and seniors for accomplishments in academic subjects, community service, and leadership. The Judith E. Weil Kindness Award was presented for the first time, by Ms. Mandy Weil Lax, in honor of her late mother, Scarsdale community member Judith E. Weil. While a ceremony over Zoom posed some unique challenges, the ceremony went smoothly. A list of winners can be found below. Congratulations to all of those honored!
Excellence in Visual Art 2D: Courtney Guastafeste
Excellence in Visual Art 3D: Mia de la Fuente-Akersveen
Media Award: Caroline Cavalier
Elisa Draper Art History Award: Jayho So
Friends of Music and Art Permanent Collection Award: Anna Cho
Harvard University Award: Angela Hoey
Brown University Award: Anoushka Dasgupta
Princeton English Excellence Award: Emily Hansen
Audrey McGinn Creative Writing Award: Jake Rompala
Rensselaer Mathematics & Science Award: Maxwell Trager
Math Faculty Award: Adam Wasserman
Band Award: Vivian Stewart
Chorus Award: Emily Hansen
Orchestra Award: Juling Wang
Sidney R. Case Memorial Scholarship: Joanna Wang
Friends of Music and Art Drama Award: Alison Robelen
New York Science Supervisors Association Awards
Biology: Samantha Kefer
Chemistry: Shan Daniel
Physics: Abigail Talish
University of Rochester/Bausch and Lomb Award: Maggie Peng
Science Excellence Award: Zach Siegel
Science Department Award: Keerthana Chari
Social Studies Achievement Awards: Rowan Haffner, Chinasa Ohajekwe
Social Studies Faculty Award: Adina Weinbaum
Social Studies Excellence Awards: Aanya Schoetz, Robert Fogel
Latin Award: Sam Lippmann
Mandarin Award: Margaret Kemp
French Award: Mariana Ferraz
Spanish Language Award: Phoebe Yusen
Spanish Literature Award: Vivian Guo
Departmental Award: Neema Mwamburi
Steve Corbin Academic Success Award: Simon Yu
Counseling Department Award: Jimena Aguilar
Casey Ferrone Memorial Award: Sarah Osinoff
Junior Scholarship/Service Award: Rishika Bansal
Junior Academic Excellence Award: Jeremy Ng
Wellesley Book Award: Claire Scarcella
Yale University Award: Eliana Zitrin
David Smith Memorial Award: Danielle Eforo, Eddie Eforo
Judith E. Weil Kindness Award: Jane Schmelkin
Scarsdale Alumni Association Eric Rothschild Award: Adam Wasserman
Scarsdale Foundation Award: Emmett Goldstein
Michael V. McGill Book Award: Scott Goldban
NYS Comptroller’s Student Achievement Awards: Jolie Kantor, Anabel Calderon, Gustavo Quaresma De Moura
NYS Office of the Attorney General Triple “C” Awards: Devin Goldman, Matthew Ostow
Dartmouth College Award: Jaden Bharara
Billy Safian Humanitarian Award: Jacob Rosewater
Halliday Clark Sr. Memorial Award: Simran Ruta
Principal’s Award: Michael Waxman
National Merit Awards
Two Scarsdale High School students were named National Merit Finalists this year and will each receive a $2,500 merit award.
They are Peiling Megan Niu who plans to study International Relations and Adam H. Wasserman who plans to study Mechanical Engineering.
The 2,500 Merit Scholar designees were chosen from a pool of some 16,000 outstanding Finalists in the 2021 National Merit Scholarship Program.
National Merit $2500 Scholarship winners are the finalists in each state judged to have the strongest combination of accomplishments, skills, and potential for success in rigorous college studies. The number of winners named in each state is proportional to the state’s percentage of the nation’s graduating high school seniors.
These Scholars were selected by a committee of college admissions officers and high school counselors, who appraised a substantial amount of information submitted by both the Finalists and their high schools: the academic record, including difficulty level of subjects studied and grades earned; scores from the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT®); contributions and leadership in school and community activities; an essay written by the Finalist; and a recommendation written by a high school official.
NMSC finances most of these single-payment National Merit $2500 Scholarships. Corporations and company foundations that sponsor awards through NMSC also help underwrite these scholarships with grants they provide in lieu of paying administrative fees. Scholars may use their awards at any regionally accredited U.S. college or university.
2021 National Merit Scholarship Competition
This year’s National Merit Scholarship Program began in October 2019 when over 1.5 million juniors in about 21,000 high schools took the PSAT/NMSQT, which served as an initial screen of program entrants. Last fall, the highest-scoring participants in each state, representing less than one percent of the nation’s high school seniors, were named Semifinalists on a state- representational basis. Only these approximately 17,000 Semifinalists had an opportunity to continue in the competition.
From the Semifinalist group, some 16,000 students met the very high academic standards and other requirements to advance to the Finalist level of the competition. By the conclusion of the 2021 program, about 7,500 Finalists will have earned the “Merit Scholar” title and received a total of nearly $30 million in college scholarships.