Sunday, Mar 09th

Lemonade for Ukraine

LemonadeGreenacres boys used their day off on Juneteenth to raise money for Ukraine by selling lemonade and treats on Greenacres Avenue.

The boys love the idea of specifically helping out kids impacted by the fighting because they identify with children more than adults. They are not sure which relief agency they will donate to but are considering some that provide food (which is scarce), offer medical help, help transport families across the border into Poland, provide settlement support in their new (hopefully temporary) settings, etc.

All great causes and the boys raised $362 to give.

Pictured above from left to right are Jacob Dubinsky, Alexander Kingfield, Isaac Simnowitz, Teddy Eisenberg, Teddy Babister, Jonah Bloomgarden, and Micah Bloomgarden. All are in third grader at Greenacres except Micah who is in first grade, and four of them live on Greenacres Avenue.
