Sunday, Mar 09th

Calling All Candidates for the Citizens Nominating Committee

ScarsdadleCircular LogoDo you have views on how Scarsdale should be run? Here's your chance to get involved in our local government and make a difference.Residents are needed to support our Non-Partisan System and run for the Citiaen's Nominating Committee who selects candidates for Village Trustees and Mayor.

Scarsdale residents are encouraged to run for a position on Scarsdale’s nonpartisan Citizens Nominating Committee (CNC). The CNC is comprised of 30 members in total, with six members from each of the five elementary school districts. The CNC interviews, evaluates and selects candidates running on the nonpartisan slate for open Village offices in the Tuesday, March 15, 2023 Village Election.

A CNC candidate must be a U.S. citizen, 18 years or older and a Scarsdale resident for at least two years. The CNC application consists of a short biographical form and a 10-signature petition.

The deadline for submitting the CNC application is Friday, September 30. The CNC election will be held at the Scarsdale Library on Tuesday, November 15 from 7 am to 9 pm or by mail-in ballot.

The CNC meeting dates for 2022-2023 are: Monday, November 28, 2022; Wednesday, December 7, 2022; Wednesday, December 14, 2022; Wednesday, January 4, 2023; Wednesday, January 11, 2023; and if necessary Wednesday, January 18, 2023. All meetings are at 8pm.

For more information contact Procedure Committee Chair Michelle Sterling,, or Vice Chair Peri Zelig,