Monday, Sep 30th

flyerThe reality of domestic violence is that it can sometimes be lethal, even in Scarsdale. Less than four years ago, Dr. Robin Goldman was stabbed fatally by her husband as she prepared to divorce him. A Poughkeepsie woman was found murdered by the Bear Mountain Bridge this past weekend. She filed for divorce only three weeks ago. Separation is known to be the most dangerous time for a victim of domestic violence.

While it’s impossible to know what goes on in other people’s homes, learning to identify the risk factors that are correlated with domestic lethality, just may save a life. One in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience severe intimate partner physical violence, intimate partner contact, sexual violence, and/or intimate partner stalking, with impacts such as injury, fearfulness, post-traumatic stress disorder, use of victim services, and the contracting of a sexually transmitted diseases. While not all domestic violence results in serious injury or death, domestic victimization is correlated with higher rates of depression and suicidal behavior.

The Safe Coalition: Children, Families, Community will be hosting a presentation titled “Behind Closed Doors” in an effort to raise awareness about the risk factors of lethality and to provide resources for those that might be in a potentially perilous situation. The program will be facilitated by Darlene Reda, Esq, Program Administrator for the Westchester County Office for Women. Ms. Reda will discuss the Five S’s, separation being one of them, as part of a countywide initiative to implement a lethality screening program and risk assessment protocol.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness month and accordingly the program will be held on October 29th at 9:30 am in the I-Lab of Scarsdale High School. I hope you will consider attending this free and informative presentation. For more information, please contact Safe Coalition Coordinator, Lauren Pomerantz, LCSW at or 721-2468.

assessor(Updated September 26) Earlier today Scarsdale10583 reported that the Scarsdale Village Board appointed a new Village Asessor at their meeting on September 24. Charles J. Zaba, who currently serves at the assessor in Haverstraw was selected after an extensive search. However, on the evening of September 26, Scarsdale Village Manager Steve Pappalardo informed Scarsdale10583 that Zaba had a change of heart and has decided to stay in Haverstraw.

Pappalardo said, "I received a phone call from Charles Zaba, the Town of Haverstraw Assessor appointed by the Town Board on Tuesday night to fill the Scarsdale Assessor vacancy, informing me that he was backing out of the appointment and staying with Haverstraw. I am not speaking for him, but did ask him to provide me a formal letter to this effect which I will forward to you when and if received. The Village has interviewed other qualified candidates who are interested in the position and we will revisit these individuals and continue recruitment immediately. In the interim, Scarsdale’s Acting Assessor Jane Lawrence will continue in her current position."

(Original Report)

The Village Board has completed its search for a new town assessor, nearly six months after Nanette Albanese retired. Charles J. Zaba, who currently serves as assessor for the town of Haverstraw in Rockland County, will begin work at village hall on Monday, October 7.

During the recruitment process, the Scarsdale administration received 29 resumes, and seven individuals interviewed for the position, with four candidates meeting with the village board. “In the end, Charles Zaba was the best fit for the position,” according to Trustee Justin Arest, who spearheaded the process. Zaba is a New York State-certified assessor, with 15 years of experience in municipal assessor offices in both Westchester and Rockland. He’s worked as the sole assessor in Haverstraw for the past two-and-a-half years.

Zaba will relieve Jane Lawrence, who has served as acting assessor since the end of May. He’ll have his hands full rather quickly, with the impending rollout of new state assessment software, continuing calls for another property revaluation, and the ongoing debate about the effects of changes to the SALT deduction. Nonetheless, Zaba’s appointment provides an opportunity for the office to move on from past controversy and build public trust.

Property assessments and tax grievances remain hot button issues in Scarsdale, with hundreds of residents contesting their homes’ valuations every year. During the public comment portion of Tuesday’s board of trustees meeting, Robert Berg (Tisdale Road) addressed Mayor Marc Samwick’s position on postponing another revaluation until the real estate market stabilizes. Berg renewed his calls for another revaluation in the short-term, stating, “At the last meeting, the mayor noted that the Board of Assessment Review granted 118 grievance reductions, lowering assessed value by a cumulative $26 million. This amounted to about 19 percent of the grievances filed. A high percentage of filers who did provide us with independent appraisals or proof of recent sales received reductions. And, most tellingly, many of those reductions were very substantial.”

He continued, “My conclusion from working with the assessment roll this year… is that the current assessment roll is a mess. It doesn’t fairly and accurately reflect the values of many of our properties… I believe… (it) is overvalued, vis a vis the rest of the municipalities in the county, and I think we’re paying more than our fair share in county and sewer taxes as a result… To me, the only solution is to begin, now, the process of doing a new town-wide revaluation… If people disagree with their valuations, they are relegated to an expensive grievance process... It’s the village’s duty to keep the assessment roll fair, and equitable, and up to date… We can’t wait for the software… we’re going to have a new assessor… It’s really time to get started on this…. You can’t wait for the market to stabilize; who knows? This market is very dynamic. Who knew it would drop like this?”

Mayor Samwick responded, “We certainly share your view that having as accurate a roll and as equitable a roll as possible is our very clear objective… I wouldn’t underestimate the technology component of this, with both the Tyler and the Ryan revals. A substantial portion of the problems that were encountered was technologically related. To have the same system in place is not setting us up for success.” He went on, “It is a dynamic market, but it is event-driven… with the SALT tax limitation being the primary event that’s causing this. And, markets don’t react instantaneously… If we were to move forward and we’re still in the midst of a correction, then all we’re doing is ensuring that we’ll have to do a reval again.”

Michael Levine (Walworth Avenue) followed soon after, stating, “There should be ought to be some sort of quantitative proof or demonstration of a degree of unfairness that warrants a reval… I will agree with Robert that we have to keep thinking ahead on these things, but I think one way to think ahead is to start getting a consensus on how to determine what… is a material enough or important enough degree of inequity to warrant a reval and there’s no other way to solve it… If there is this kind of determination… the community has to hear that from the assessor.” He continued, “Finally, I’m not saying SALT is or is not a problem. I don’t think you can assume it’s the main driver of the real estate situation… Affluent taxpayers in 10583 were also under the AMT and, therefore, weren’t getting deduction anyway... It’s less affluent taxpayers who are not under the AMT that lost the deduction. If SALT was such an important factor, the less expensive communities would be seeing problems with sales… I just don’t think you can jump to the conclusion that SALT is that important.”

CNCGraphicThe Procedure Committee is actively seeking Scarsdale Residents to run for the Citizens Nominating Committee (CNC). This time CNC members are responsible for nominating a nonpartisan slate for 3 Village Trustees and the Village Justice. Learn more below...

What is the CNC?
As one of 30 members of the CNC, you will interview, evaluate and select candidates who will be on the ballot for village elected offices in the March 17, 2020 village-wide election. This unique system provides the community with a researched and peer-endorsed candidate option each year on the ballot. CNC members provide a nonpartisan recommendation to the community by collectively researching and verifying candidates’ qualifications for office.

How do I join the CNC?
CNC members are elected from each of the 5 school district neighborhoods (Edgewood, Fox Meadow, Greenacres, Heathcote and Quaker Ridge). Residents interested in the CNC must first submit an easy application consisting of a short bio and a petition signed by 10 eligible voters from the candidate’s neighborhood. The forms and instructions may be downloaded from the Procedure Committee website here. The filing deadline for both CNC application forms is Sunday, September 30, 2019. Qualified applicants are placed on the CNC ballot for the separate CNC Election on November 12, 2019.

What is the time commitment for the CNC?
The CNC meets 5 or 6 times typically on weekday evenings at Village Hall beginning at the end of November. CNC meeting dates for 2019-2020 are: Monday, November 25 (Organization Meeting); Tuesday, December 10; Wednesday, December 18; Tuesday, January 7; Wednesday, January 15; and if necessary, Wednesday, January 22. By the end of the process the CNC will have nominated a nonpartisan slate of candidates for the open positions of three Trustees and the Village Justice. As a member of the CNC you would serve a three-year term followed by one year on the Procedure Committee*

Who is eligible to join the CNC?
A candidate for membership on the CNC must be a qualified voter (U.S. citizen and 18 years of age or older), and a resident of Scarsdale for at least two years. A CNC candidate may not simultaneously be a member of the Procedure Committee, the School Board Nominating Committee, the School Board Administrative Committee, the Scarsdale School Board or the Village Board of Trustees.

Key 2019 Dates
Sept 30 - All CNC Applications Filing Deadline
Nov 12 - CNC Election
Nov 25 - First CNC Meeting

Other Relevant Information
*The Procedure Committee is the nonpartisan group of Scarsdale volunteers who administer the annual non-partisan election of a new group of 10 members of the CNC. The members of the 2019-2020 Procedure Committee are: Stephen Baer, Daniel Brown, Eric Cheng-Chair, Marie DiPalma, Madelaine Eppenstein, Sarit Kessel Fuchs-Vice Chair, Dan Gerardi, Judy Wenjing Kerr, Jon Leslie, Matt Martin, Barry Meiselman, BK Munguia, ML Perlman, Andrew Sereysky, Greg Soldatenko, Peter Tesler, Amber Yusuf, and Anne Zink.

For more information contact the Chair of the Procedure Committee, Eric Cheng, Quaker Ridge, at, or Vice Chair Sarit Kessel Fuchs, Quaker Ridge, at

Note: Under New York State Law, candidates outside the village nonpartisan election system may also run for village office by obtaining the prescribed number of signatures on a nominating petition.

appleshoneyThe High Holidays are upon us – with Erev Rosh Hashanah on September 29 and Kol Nidre on October 8. Those of you who belong to a synagogue have likely already received your tickets to services and made plans to worship and celebrate with family and friends.

For those who are not members of a local congregation, the High Holidays offer a good time to visit local synagogues, attend services and see if you would like to join.

Many invite the community at large to worship and here are details from three local congregations with open door policies for certain services.

Bet Am Shalom at 295 Soundview Avenue in White Plains invites everyone to all services.
All are welcome. No tickets. No reserved seating. To help them plan, please register here

Bet Am is a vibrant, egalitarian Reconstructionist congregation of people from diverse backgrounds, bound together by a shared belief in a thoughtful, progressive approach to Judaism. They warmly welcome all generations and religious backgrounds, including interfaith families, empty nesters, singles, LGBTQ, the scholarly, the observant, and those new to Judaism. When you come into their beautiful services, you will find a distinctive openness and spirituality as they mark the traditional rituals of the Days of Awe. It’s an environment of inspiration, welcome, community, and song.

Key things to know:BetAmTent

-They have a great child-friendly family service, babysitting, and childrens’ activities on both mornings of Rosh Hashanah and on Yom Kippur.
-Services are highly participatory
-They worship – literally - in an open tent on our park-like grounds. The tent is rain-proof and has heaters for chilly weather.

Rosh Hashanah September 29-October 1

September 29
Erev Rosh Hashanah, 6:30 pm

September 30
Family service, 9:30 am
Main service, 9:30 am
Children's activities, 10:30 am
Tashlich, 5:30 pm

October 1
Family service, 9:30 am
Main service, 9:30 am
Children's activities, 10:30 am

Yom Kippur, October 8-9

October 8
Kol Nidre service, 6:30 pm

October 9
Family service, 9:30 a.m.
Main service, 9:30 a.m.
Children's activities, 10:30 a.m.

Congregation Kol Ami is a Reform Jewish Synagogue at 252 Soundview Avenue in White Plains. Here, with members of every age. kolamiCongregants of diverse backgrounds and identities, are their heartbeat. Here, hear your voice! Reach out at 914-949-4717,, or follow them on Facebook and Instagram at #nykolami.

Rosh Hashanah Family Service: Monday, September 30th at 3:30pm (Reception to follow)
Second Day Rosh Hashanah Service: Tuesday, October 1st at 10:00am (Reception to follow)
Yom Kippur Afternoon Service (Schulman Chapel): Wednesday, October 9th at 3:15pm
Yom Kippur Family Service: Wednesday, October 9th
Yom Kippur Memorial and Concluding Service: Wednesday, October 9th at 5:00pm

SSTTEClergyScarsdale Synagogue Temples Tremont and Emanu-El is a reform congregation at 2 Ogden Road Scarsdale. They invite you to visit the synagogue and congregation, join them for a service and learn more about our community by contacting our Temple Administrator, Fawn Mendelor our President, Karen Chapro or call (914) 725-5175. Check them out online here

They have scheduled many events and services that are open to the public. See below:

Saturday, September 21
7:15 - 10:00 p.m.
Join friends old and new as they once again welcome in the High Holy Day season. Bring a friend - all are welcome! We’ll start the evening by screening the recent New York Times “Critic’s Pick” documentary Who Will Write Our History. Executive Produced by Nancy Spielberg, the film tells the story of Emanuel Ringelblum and the 30,000 page Oyneg Shabes Archive, which chronicles firsthand accounts of the Holocaust.

At approximately 9:30 p.m., they will convene in the Sanctuary for Havdallah (as we mark the conclusion of Shabbat) and the brief service of Selichot, which will include the traditional changing of our Torah covers and our initial recitation of our traditional prayers of forgiveness (and the familiar melodies that accompany them).

Erev Rosh Hashanah*
Sunday, September 29
8:00 p.m. - Evening Service

First Day Rosh Hashanah
Monday, September 30
2:30 p.m. - High Holy Day Family Service* - An engaging, song-filled gathering geared for families with children through 3rd grade. Includes a PJ Library story, blessing for new babies and a birthday cake for the World!

Second Day Rosh Hashanah*
Tuesday, October 1
9:45 - 11:30 a.m. – Rosh Hashanah Experience: New Year Nature Walk in Saxon Woods. Meet at Saxon Woods at 9:45 a.m.
10:00 a.m. - Morning Service, Main Sanctuary

Shabbat Shuvah*
Friday, October 4
6:15 p.m. Erev Shabbat Service
We continue our High Holy Day journey on this Shabbat of turning and returning to all that is sacred in our lives.

WRTWestchester Reform Temple at 255 Mamaroneck Road in Scarsdale has a wide selection of programming open to the community. Visit their website here for additional information.

Selichot: Saturday, September 21
Program at 7:00 pm, followed by dessert, Service at 8:00 pm

Together with friends from other local congregations, WRT welcomes Middle Eastern vocalist and composer Galeet Dardashti, who will perform her acclaimed work, Monajat. Monajat (a Persian word meaning dialogue with God) re- imagines the Selichot ritual with a gifted ensemble of musicians, an electronic soundscape, and dynamic live video art. Using Persian melodies and Hebrew texts, the work pays homage to Dardashti’s grandfather, a master Persian classical vocalist. Through electronics, she defies time and performs with her grandfather.

Following the program, join them for their Selichot service, and reflect on the meditative themes of Selichot and prime yourself for the spiritual renewal of the Days of Awe.

Erev Rosh Hashanah:
Sunday, September 29 5:00 pm: Family Service - Beit Midrash

Rosh Hashanah: Monday, September 30
3:00 pm: *Tot Service - Sanctuary
5:45 pm: *Tashlich with Young Israel of Scarsdale - at Carpenter’s Pond Park

Rosh HaShanah (second day): Tuesday, October 1 10:00 am: *Morning Service - Sanctuary
Kol Nidre / Yom Kippur: Tuesday, October 8 5:00 pm: *Family Service - Beit Midrash

Yom Kippur: Wednesday, October 9
2:15 pm: *Musical Meditation and Alternate Yizkor - Sanctuary 2:45 pm: *Tot Service - Beit Midrash
3:30 pm: *Afternoon Service, Yizkor, Ne’ilah - Sanctuary

ChabadofScarsdaleChabad of Scarsdale will hold their High Holiday Services at the Scarsdale Woman's Club at 37 Drake Road in Scarsdale. Services are free of charge and walk-ins are welcome. RSVP’s re appreciated at Or visit their website at Here is their schedule of services:

Rosh Hashanah
Sunday, September 29

Light Candles: 6:23 pm
Services: 7:00 pm

Monday, September 30

Services: 9:30 am
Children's Program 10:30 am
Shofar: 11:30 am

Tuesday, October 1

Services: 9:30 am
Children's Program 10:30 am
Shofar: 11:30 am

Yom Kippur
Tuesday, October 8

Light Candles/Fast Begins: 6:08 pm
Kol Nidrei: 6:30 pm

Wednesday, October 9

Morning Services: 9:30 am
Children's Program: 10:30 am
Yizkor Memorial Service: 11:30 am

Mincha Service: 5:30 pm
Neilah Service: 6:00 pm
Fast Ends: 7:05 pm

readathonMore than 100 children from kindergarten through middle school participated in the first annual Friends of the Scarsdale Library Read-A-Thon. And with almost 20,000 minutes of reading time logged for the month of August, many children are up to the task of going back to school and hitting the books once again.

“This was a great way to encourage children to read for the summer, and we were thrilled that so many families were able to participate,” said Dara Gruenberg, President of the Friends of the Scarsdale Library.

Every child who participated in the program received a bookmark and children that read 30 to 500 minutes also received a book light. The bookmarks and lights are available to be picked up from the Library Loft. Fifteen children read more than 500 minutes and additionally received a gift card to Scoop Shop for their efforts.

The following children read the most in their age category and also received a special lap desk:

Kindergarten to 2nd grade: Owen Duubinsky who read 1110 minutes

3rd to 5th grade: Rylan Shetty who read 2652 minutes

6th grade and over: Maya Shetty who read 2666 minutes

Overall the Read-A-Thon raised more than $6,000 for the Friends of the Scarsdale Library. The money will be used to support children’s programs and museum passes, as well as many other valuable resources for our public library.

Way to go kids…keep on reading and good luck with the school year!