Sunday, Mar 09th

Vine Cutters Attack Invasive Vines

VineCuttingVine cutters had a very productive day at the Weinberg Nature Center on Sunday February 25 and plan to continue their work in Scarsdale public spaces each Sunday from 1-3pm until the end of April.

Vine cutting is best done in the winter and early spring (November - April) when the leaves are down. Once the leaves have sprung, they hide the vines making them difficult to cut. If you are worried about bad weather, we are too, so we do not cut vines while it is raining or snowing.

Adults (over 18) are welcome to join. Each week they will attack a different Scarsdale location. This activity is rewarding and may save many trees from being killed by vines. Anyone interested can email Elaine Weir ( and she will add you to the vine cutting email list. Training will be done to learn how to identify invasive vines and how to cut them. Cutting vines is not only useful in Scarsdale parks but this activity can also benefit your own backyard.

Come join the vine cutters for one or more of their 2 hour sessions each Sunday.