Sunday, Mar 09th

Holiday Cheer in Scarsdale

shoppingScarsdale got into the holiday spirit with shopping and feasting around town. Her are photos of a few holiday boutiques and the Scarsdale Seniors luncheon in Scarsdale:

Scarsdale Small Business residents and SHS Alumni celebrate the holiday season with a boutique at Micheline, hosted by restaurant owner Jonathan Aubrey and Ashley Badger of Julia B Fee Sotheby’s on Monday December 9, 2024.

Pictured above are Lauren Zinzi, Meredith Wing, MooMooi, Rachel Schmerin, Whigstock Studio, Jonathan Aubrey, Micheline, Lauren Goldman, byGoldGirl, Cinthia Boni Cordioli, Campo Collection, Ashley Badger, Julia B Fee Sothebys, Haley Jordan, Monarch Market, Nicole Vallario, Falena, Isabelle Alix, OffTrack, Lindsay Roth: Photo by Mark Jessamy

On Thursday December 19, Scarsdale Seniors gathered at the Girl Scout House for a international pot luck lunch. There was sumptious contributions of many holiday specialties. State Assemblymember Amy Paulin was on hand along with an interpreter.


The Women of Reform Judaism drew a crowd for their holiday boutique on Tuesday December 10 at Westchester Reform Temple. Holiday vendors brought stationary, sweaters, jewelry, hats, gloves, housewares, Judaica, baby clothes, cheeseboards, mah jongg and canasta accessories and lots more.



A wonderful prelude to Hanukkah and Christmas.