Sunday, Mar 09th

A Sweet Pit Bull Named Katama

Katama1This week’s featured pet is a sweet and calm Pit Bull named Katama.

Katama was adopted five years ago by the Weston family. She was about four years old when the family fostered her. They had never encountered such a mellow dog before! She was the perfect calm to a busy house with two young daughters at the time.

Katama is a wonderful ambassador for her breed, proving that not all Pit Bulls are aggressive and dangerous. In fact, Katama is very lazy! Her worst trait is bed hogging and snoring!

Katama lives with her big sisters Delaney and Finley, mom Emily and dad Jamie. Look out for Katama near the Scarsdale Village. She is often out running around near Popham Road with her mom.

Want your beloved pet to be showcased in our weekly “Pets of Dale” feature? Email us a picture of your pet and a brief description: Hope to see you around the neighborhood!
