Sunday, Mar 09th

Macey Mends Broken Hearts Plus Foster Dog Needs a Home

MaceyWhen the Solers’ beloved 14 year old Cocker Spaniel, Lily, passed away in February of 2021, parents Felicia and John thought that they, and their boys Dillon (10) and Reed (7), wouldn’t be ready to welcome a new pup into the family for a long time. After a couple of months though, it became clear that a new puppy’s love, cuddles and kisses might be exactly what the family needed to mend their broken hearts. Since the Covid-induced demand for puppies was still incredibly high, and because Felicia and John knew that they wanted another Cocker Spaniel (which are hard to find), the search for the family’s new puppy involved numerous phone calls, emails, waitlists, and persistent follow ups.

Enter Macey Coco Soler (quickly nicknamed “Ma-hoo” by Dillon and Reed), born on April 10, 2021 in Fulton, New York, near the Canadian border. After an almost 5 hour drive up to Fulton, the Solers picked up baby Macey on June 10 and brought her back to their Greenacres home, which the family had fully stocked with doggy gates, play pens, doggy beds and new dog toys in anticipation of Macey’s arrival. It had been nearly 15 years since the couple had a puppy in the house, and it didn’t take long to remember that raising a puppy meant many sleepless nights, many bathroom training accidents, and many chewed dirty socks!

But it also didn’t take the family long to remember the feeling of companionship, love and happiness that only comes with dog ownership. Despite the many differences between Lily and Macey that the Solers have noted over the last year since they picked Macey up – Lily was buff colored, a city dog at heart (e.g., tried to pick up used cigarettes, peed on concrete and loved social visits to the dog park) and fiercely independent (it was hard to get a single lick out of her), while Macey is white with red markings, a suburban girl through and through (e.g., only pees on grass and, although very interested in other dogs, is a bit more shy) and a Velcro dog (there is no shortage of cuddles and kisses for the family and she never wants to be excluded from any family activity) – Lily and Macey share the same ability to make the Solers feel incredibly lucky and loved. Macey is a bundle of love, and Dillon and Reed have already developed a very special relationship with her!

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Pet Needs a Home:

shepherdmis(From a reader) We are fostering Alex, a 5-yr old Australian shepherd mix, through NY-petrescue. Alex was rescued from a kill shelter in Georgia a few months ago. He is a sweet guy who is completely housebroken, loves to go for walks, plays with his toys, and will cuddle with you on the couch. Alex needs to find his forever family. If interested, please go to to learn more.