Sunday, Mar 09th

Coco: The Coquette of Greeenacres Avenue

cococarThe Cukierman family locked into the name Coco when they saw photos of the chocolate-colored golden doodle that was soon to be their first family pet. As far as they were concerned, it was a perfect descriptor. Perfect until over time, Coco became the color of a foamy cappuccino with a dash of cinnamon. But the name stuck. And, while her fur color might have evolved, one thing has been a constant, Coco is a playful and loving family member. According to her owners, “Coco has retained her puppy enthusiasm despite being 9-years old. She loves lounging on her driveway soaking up the sun.”

Coco is quite the flirt – batting her lashes and smiling at joggers and other dog owners as they pass by. Approach her and she will immediately roll over and ask for a belly rub or treat. No one can resist Coco’s charms, least of all the Cukierman kids. They can’t refuse Coco when she sits under the kitchen table during family dinner time and begs for food. “Cheese, hamburger, broccoli. All fair game!”

Coco is quick to return the culinary treats. Recently for Mrs. Cukierman’s birthday, Coco dragged a small dead rabbit into the house and proudly dropped it at Mrs. Cukierman’s feet. “Happy Birthday, Mom.” Coco seemed to proudly say. Who could get mad?

Coco’s best days are when the entire Cukierman pack is together. She is very attached to them and becomes anxious when they travel without her. She immediately becomes suspicious when duffle bags, trunks or suitcases are lined up in the hallway in anticipation of a vacation, summer camp or professional travel. Not wanting to miss a beat, Coco hops in a valise hoping that no one will notice that she has tucked herself underneath a stack of T-shirts. So far, her attempts to stow away have been thwarted, but you can’t blame a gal for trying.

While the name Coco is a bit of a misnomer, Coco lives up to the reputation of a golden doodle. She’s as affectionate as a golden retriever with the intelligence of a poodle. When asked, her owner shares that she is “as sweet and delicious as a mug of hot chocolate on a cold winter’s day.” Clearly little Coco has warmed the Cukierman’s hearts.

Note to Pet Owners: This week -- when you walk your pet at night, please wear reflective clothing! It's dark early and difficult for drivers to see you walking among the leaves.

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