Logan the Lounger
- Tuesday, 20 December 2022 08:21
- Last Updated: Tuesday, 20 December 2022 08:33
- Published: Tuesday, 20 December 2022 08:21
- Andrea Seiden
- Hits: 1346
The Wheaten Terrier is prized for its soft, silky coat and playful, kind nature. People love the graceful breed’s vibrant color - a rich golden, reminiscent of wheat fields gently swaying in the summer breeze awaiting the harvest. Their eyes are dark reddish brown with a slightly almond shape. A true showstopper. However, don’t let a Wheaten’s beauty fool you. Beneath all that fluff, you will find a working dog. Wheatens were originally trained to patrol the borders of small farms, ridding them of vermin; rising early to herd sheep and hunt with their master.
But for Logan, a one-and-a-half-year-old Wheaten living in Heathcote along with his owners Joanne and Jon Shapse, getting up early to hunt, round up mice or even go downstairs to eat puppy chow is the last thing on his mind. At sunrise, most dogs are at the ready – waiting to go outside, do their business, and eat. Not Logan. Logan is more of a lounger than a worker. Snoring away with his head supported by downy pillows between Joanne and Jon, the 7 AM alarm does little to disturb this handsome snoozer. When Logan does open his peepers, rather than jump up, he rolls over and begs for belly rubs, tickles and kisses. Given Logan’s sweet, yet debonair personality, his owners are more than happy to accede to his requests. Joanne confides that, “we are not sure who loves this morning ritual more – the dog or us.” No matter, it's a great way to start the day.
Like 60 percent of all dog owners, Joanne and Jon allow Logan to sleep on their bed with them. Sharing sleeping quarters with this adorable furry friend is cozy – especially on a cold winter night. But mornings can sometimes be tough, especially if one of them has an early morning commitment. Joanne, shares “If we didn’t drag him out with a leash, he will just sleep-in like a teenager--missing his many walks around Scarsdale.”
When awake, Logan rules the roost. “The house revolves around him,” says Jon. He is a constant source of energy and a fountain of happiness – even if he doesn’t herd sheep.
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