Tuesday, Jul 02nd

Pepper1Church Lane resident Janice Starr found an unexpected visitor at her house on Tuesday. Starr’s housekeeper Betty spotted the critter first and described it as “cute and white,” and thought it looked like a pet but wasn’t sure what it was. At first, it was frightened by the Starr’s two standard poodles and hid under a bush but soon after ran into the Starr’s garage. Janice closed the door to the garage to keep the pet inside and quickly sent an eblast out to the Fox Meadow Neighborhood Association, where Starr serves as President. She also posted notices on Facebook.

The owner, Yuki Brenner of Wayside Lane, saw the posts and email and contacted Starr immediately. She hadn’t realized her ferret was missing but says the ferret hides a lot in her designated room!

According to Brenner, “We think she somehow got out of the room where her cage is and then she must have slipped out the back door when my husband was driving one of our kids to school. But it meant she was outside for a while and had to walk through a number of lawns to get to the Starr’s house. I am still amazed by this!”

Another neighbor saw the ferret in her garage and thought it was a (wild) possum.

Brenner provided a few photos of her naughty and overly curious ferret Pepper.

Reuniting pets with their owners is just one of the many services The Fox Meadow Neighborhood Association (FMNA) provides to the community. It was founded in 1928 and serves residents by updating them on issues affecting Fox Meadow and by fostering neighborhood spirit through a variety of social events and activities. Learn more and sign up here.


Katama1This week’s featured pet is a sweet and calm Pit Bull named Katama.

Katama was adopted five years ago by the Weston family. She was about four years old when the family fostered her. They had never encountered such a mellow dog before! She was the perfect calm to a busy house with two young daughters at the time.

Katama is a wonderful ambassador for her breed, proving that not all Pit Bulls are aggressive and dangerous. In fact, Katama is very lazy! Her worst trait is bed hogging and snoring!

Katama lives with her big sisters Delaney and Finley, mom Emily and dad Jamie. Look out for Katama near the Scarsdale Village. She is often out running around near Popham Road with her mom.

Want your beloved pet to be showcased in our weekly “Pets of Dale” feature? Email us a picture of your pet and a brief description: petsofdale@gmail.com. Hope to see you around the neighborhood!


berkepetsFrom left to right: Avery, Sydney and Ziggy.This week’s Pet of the Week features three of the Berke family menagerie!

Avery is Scarsdale’s first featured cat. She rules the roost and keeps all the dogs in line, all while sleeping about 20 hours a day! She loves to put her paws around your neck and nuzzle your ears.

Sydney is a mini Merle Blue Australian Shepherd. She came from a puppy mill where she likely had many puppies. She loves people more than dogs, although she recently has taken a liking to a young Pomeranian named Max in their neighborhood. Sydney loves to walk and hike and follows her family around the house. If you make a funny face at her, she makes one right back at you!

Ziggy is a super mutt pandemic puppy, adopted by son Glenn in December 2020. Ziggy is the mayor of the dog park! She loves to engage other dogs and run with them. Even though she loves activity, she gets a little scared every time she hears a loud noise. They’re hoping she outgrows this!
From left to right: Avery, Sydney and Ziggy

Send us your pictures and a bit of information about your sweet pets. We will feature at least one a week. Email us at petsofdale@gmail.com.

LuckyLuckyMeet the Freitas family’s pups named Thor and Lucky! They are both one year old. The Freitas family moved to the states three years ago along with their beloved Golden Retriever Duke. During the pandemic, Duke, 9, was diagnosed with cancer and died in July 2020. The family was devastated. Their kids began asking for another dog, so eventually they decided it was time to get not one but two pups. Thor and Lucky arrived at the same time as “brothers” but are different breeds. Thor is a Siberian Husky, and Lucky is a Border Collie. We met Lucky and Thor on a walk. They are two of the most striking pair. They are beautiful and very friendly!

Want your beloved pet to be showcased in our weekly “Pets of Dale” feature? Email us a picture of your pet and a brief description: petsofdale@gmail.com. See you around the neighborhood!

ThorThorDukeDuke, the family’s dog, passed away during Covid after a battle with cancer.

DieselDiesel - lounging around.Welcome to the second installment of 10583’s Pet of the Week feature! We are so excited to showcase the pets of the Dale and their families!

This week, we are featuring two beautiful rescue dogs.

Meet Nora Marino’s rescue, Diesel. He is part Shepherd and part Corgi. Diesel was rescued from a kill shelter in Ashtabula, Ohio in 2014 when he was about five years old. He has been the perfect pet, and Nora’s family loves Diesel to pieces. He was diagnosed with Cushing’s disease just over a year ago, but is doing okay. Nora says Diesel is the best dog ever!

Also meet Shelby, a rescue from SNARR (Special Needs Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation), a Westchester-based rescue. Shelby is an 8-year old Beagle/Foxhound mix who has a heart of gold and loves any and all humans and animals. She joined the Levine family when she was only 10 weeks old and lives with her sisters Rachel and Samantha, mom Renee and Dad Josh.

Look out for Diesel and Shelby on the streets of Scarsdale!
Send us your pictures and a bit of information about your sweet pets. We will feature at least one a week. Email us at petsofdale@gmail.com.

shelbyHere is Shelby with their guinea pig, Victoria, who the Levine family lost two years ago...they were best buddies.

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