Sunday, Mar 09th

Instructions for Tax Grievance Day on June 18, 2024

propertytaxDo you think your home is over assessed? Here’s your chance to have your real estate tax bill reconsidered. Grievance Day is June 18, 2024 in Scarsdale and Greenburgh and here’s how you can file an application to have your assessment reviewed by the Board of Assessment Review.


The following information can also be found on the Village website at

The link to the Legal Notice and 2024 Tentative Assessment Roll is published on the home page of the Scarsdale website (

In addition, everything anyone wants to know regarding “Challenging your assessment” is on the Assessor’s page.

Village Assessor Victoria Sirota explains, “We have an open-door policy and encourage residents to ask us questions regarding their assessments. We will be happy to review their assessments and answer questions. If residents think they are over assessed, we’ve created an on-line grievance application which can be found on this web-page. We encourage residents to use this portal to submit their grievance applications and documentation supporting the “value of their property." We encourage residents to call the Assessor’s Office Monday through Friday during regular business hours at 914-722-1134 or e-mail us at with any questions."

The deadline for submitting a grievance application is Tuesday, June 18th at 8 pm.


In Greenburgh the process is similar. Here is a note from Greenburgh Town Supervisor Paul Feiner outlining the process:
Earlier this week residents of Greenburgh and the villages within Greenburgh received their updated assessments. If you would like further explanation regarding your assessment, please visit our website ( and on the main page, click on the tab about reassessment or contact the assessment department at 914-989-1520. The office is open Monday through Friday during regular business hours.

Here are some links:

An explanation is on the bottom of the front page of our town website.

Along with a map of all the sales on the GIS link