Sunday, Mar 09th

It's One Step Forward and Two Steps Back for Retail in Scarsdale and Hartsdale

hartsdaleautomotiveHartsdale Automotive is moving to Gray Rock Road in ScarsdaleNo one seems to want a comment about what’s happening at DeCicco’s in Scarsdale Village. Empty shelves in June had customers wondering what would become of their local market. When we spoke store manager Walter Wadwick a few months ago, he indicated that the store was here to stay and would recover over the summer. He projected that they would be fully stocked for the upcoming high holidays with specialty brands. He encouraged the community to hang in and support the store while they made arrangements with new vendors.emptyshelvesDeCicco's is asking for customers to stick with them while they recover.

And so we hoped to find full shelves in September, but instead were greeted with an even sadder scenario. This week, the produce section is virtually empty, the meat refrigerators are half full and dairy offerings are spotty.

We reached out to Wadwick again for answers and he said, “All I can say is we’re holding our own and hoping for the best right now. (When asked if we could speak to the store owner, he said, “I’m not at liberty to share anything more and I don’t believe they are willing to share anything more about the situation than we are trying our best and hardest especially for the community and our employees and their families. Our jobs are on the line.”

DeCicco’s leases the space from Scarsdale Improvement Corp (SIC), who owns a good chunk of the real estate in the Village. A representative at SIC said, “We’re doing our best to work with them and get them back on track. They want to stay there, make the space nicer and get more food.”

RamseysRamsey's Farm has a beautiful selection of vegetables, fruit and flowers and will remain open until Thanksgiving.For anyone looking for fresh produce in the interim, take a trip to Ramsey’s Farm on Ramsey Road in Scarsdale. They have beautiful vegetables, fruit and flowers and are open seven days a week!

Sadly, the new cheese shop, Dobbs and Bishop, never got their bearings in Scarsdale. After taking almost a year to open, they have already closed. A note on the door thanks Scarsdale for a “warm welcome” but says they are closing “due to unforeseen circumstances.”


Hartsdale is also experiencing some big changes. Earlier this year the Rite Aid closed, leaving a void for many who used the store for prescriptions, vaccinations, household and drugstore purchases. That building is now vacant.

Several years ago the Starbucks closed in the Hartsdale Train Station. Metro North, who owns the station house claims to be searching for a new tenant. However, it remains empty and is missed by many who ran in for a cup of coffee or used the tables both inside and out before commuting or to sit and chat with friends.

Some of those customers moved to the bakery Enrico’s where they could also enjoy pastry and coffee. Sadly Enrico’s has posted a big sign on their window saying they will close by the end of the year. They say they never recovered after the COVID crisis and Hurricane Ida and the owners plan to move to South Carolina. In that space, Mikado Sushi will open.

Most surprising, we learned that Hartsdale Automotive is moving to Gray Rock Road, behind Garth Road, in Scarsdale at the end of September. They have been in business in the same spot for more than 25 years and many rely on them for gas as well as auto repairs. The good news is they are not going far. Joelle AnisseJoelle Anisse Salon is now open in Hartsdale

We asked why they were moving and were told that the property owners want to replace the automotive shop with a convenience store. We can’t verify that!

On a brighter note, a beautiful and expansive new hair salon has opened in the space formerly occupied by the Chase Bank. It’s called Joelle Anisse and they are open for business and ready to serve you. So check them out.

Do you have any insights into what’s going on? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.