Sunday, Mar 09th

Scarsdale Foundation Bowl Committee Seeks Nominations for 2025 Honorees

ScarsdaleBowlThe 2025 Scarsdale Bowl Committee is looking for nominations for both the 2025 Bowl Award recipient and 2025 Spotlight Award recipient. The Scarsdale Bowl Committee seeks as many deserving candidates for consideration as possible.

The Scarsdale Bowl Committee will hold its first of several meetings dedicated to selecting this year’s honorees on December 8, 2024. Nominees for both the Bowl Award and the Spotlight Award are requested on or before December 6th.

The Scarsdale Bowl, under the auspices of the Scarsdale Foundation, has been awarded annually since 1944, to an individual (or, in exceptional cases, to a married couple or domestic partners) who have given “unselfishly of their time, energy and effort to the civic welfare of the community.” The founding donors of the Bowl believed that “many who serve generously and voluntarily, without office, honor, or publicity, are those deserving of having their names permanently inscribed on the Scarsdale Bowl.” The Scarsdale Bowl Award is an enormous honor bestowed on a Scarsdale resident in recognition of his or her volunteer public service in the community over the course of some decades. The Bowl itself, with the honorees engraved names, is permanently displayed at the Scarsdale Public Library.

Scarsdale Bowl 2025 Nomination Form QRCandidates must be Scarsdale residents who do not currently hold elective office; to access the Bowl Award nominee recommendation form, please visit this URL:

In addition, the Scarsdale Foundation will continue the tradition it began in 2023 and present a second award, called the Spotlight, to honor an individual or an organization that has made a significant impact and brought about positive change in one targeted sphere of community engagement.

The Spotlight Award recognizes a Scarsdale resident or institution that has focused on moving the needle in one particular area.

Candidates must be Scarsdale residents or institutions, and individuals may not currently hold elective office; to access the Spotlight Award nominee recommendation form, please visit this URL:

This year, the Scarsdale Foundation Bowl Dinner will be held on April 24th at Mamaroneck BeachSpotlightQRCode and Yacht Club. The dinner will pay tribute to the honorees while celebrating the spirit and culture of volunteerism in Scarsdale. Funds raised at the dinner will enable the Foundation to continue its mission of quietly but effectively helping local individuals and community organizations through student scholarships and project grants. Most significantly, the Scarsdale Foundation has awarded more than $1 million in scholarships during the past ten years to Scarsdale’s high school graduates in their sophomore, junior and senior years of college.

The 2024 Scarsdale Foundation Bowl Committee members are: Penny Bauersfeld, Randi Culang, Elise Flagg, Lori Kaplan, Tracy Lazarus, Angela Manson, Toby Milstein Schulman, Daniela Retelny, Alli Seiden, Ryan Spicer, Stephanie Stern, Claudie Uribe and Julie Zhu. Cynthia and Marc Samwick are serving as Co-Chairs, with Amy Cooper serving as Secretary and Isabel Finegold serving as Treasurer. Isabel Finegold, a Scarsdale Foundation Trustee, will also serve on the committee as a liaison, along with Anne Lyons, President of the Scarsdale Foundation Board.

We look forward to gathering on April 24th to recognize all that makes Scarsdale a special place to live, and to benefit generations to come.

Questions? Please reach out to Cynthia and Marc Samwick, Bowl Chairs at or Additional information about the Scarsdale Foundation can be found at