Village Trustees Ask Architects to Provide Schematics for an Indoor-Outdoor Pool Complex
- Wednesday, 29 January 2025 13:59
- Last Updated: Wednesday, 29 January 2025 14:16
- Published: Wednesday, 29 January 2025 13:59
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 2377
Will Scarsdale build an indoor pool? After years of surveys, community feedback and public forums that was the question before the Scarsdale Board of Trustees at a work session on January 28, 2025. The time had come to move to schematic designs of the new facility to replace the obsolete pool complex that is overdue for an overhaul.
Before “diving in” to the four programmatic options, Village Trustee Karen Brew reviewed a summary of the most frequently heard public comments:
-The pool is a valued recreational hub and a community asset.
-Opinions were evenly divided between a year-round facility and maintaining the current set up.
-Requests for essential upgrade include better heating, improved filtration and enhanced accessibility.
-There was concern about pool shapes – i.e. dolphin design and their impact on functionality, safety and maintenance costs.
-Enhance the pools appeal with multipurpose spaces, recreational features and family-friendly amenities.
-Align project costs with realistic expectations, reduce non-essential features and ensure transparency in budgeting.
-Concerns about long term tax implications and financial sustainability.
-Membership decline attributed to competition from private pools and demographic shifts.
After a meeting of the Village working group on the pool with architects Lothrop Associates in December, the group came up with four options for programmatic plans. These were presented to the trustees on Tuesday night so that they could select one and then move to schematic designs. From there, cost estimates can be done.
The four options range from the most bare bones to an indoor/outdoor pool facility with enhancements.
Take a look at each one and preliminary cost estimates:
Program 1 includes a full indoor pool complex, 3 additional season pools, a splash pad, expanded and enhanced bath house facilities, community spaces, food service and other amenities. Estimate cost: $53mm.
Program 1a is the same as Program 1 without the indoor pool. It has 3 pools and splash pad, upgraded bathhouses and multipurpose rooms. The lap lanes and diving area will be in the main pool. Estimated cost: $38 mm.
Program 2 proposes to rebuild the existing complex as it is sited today. Everything would be built to code but there would be no enhancements or expansions. Estimated cost: $31mm.
Program 3 is for just one pool with no children’s pools. Bath houses would be rebuilt but there would be no additional amenities. There would be no community space. Estimated cost: $26 mm.
What would the indoor pool look like during the summer months? Architects explained that in the summer the natatorium would be designed to be as open as possible. There would be sliding walls and at least one side would be completely open in the summer. Panels could be removed to allow people to go inside and outside. And in case of rain in the summer, swimmers could still use the facility. See the photo on top of a natatorium at Mt. Airy Lodge in Pennsylvania.
How would it be financed? The buildings and locker rooms could be funded by issuing 30 year bonds while the pools would be paid for through the sale of 20 year bonds. The Village will provide more refined numbers once they have cost estimates based on the schematic designs.
Board members were polled on their preference for which option to select:
Mayor Justin Arest said, “I think from all the data and feedback there is a desire to do Program 1. We have to run the numbers. Right now I am not comfortable with the 20 year numbers. And we do have a lot of other needs …. I am comfortable with $37 mm – but I prefer to go ahead with Program 1 hoping we get donations or funds from a public private partnership.” He added, “We could also build it without the indoor pool and leave room for it. Let’s move forward with Program 1 and the option to move to 1A. We could phase the building of the indoor pool.” He added, “Some people thought it didn’t make sense to spend $38 million for an outdoor pool that is only used for 3 months. The town was evenly split on indoor vs. outdoor.”
Deputy Mayor Dara Gruenberg said, “I struggle with spending so much money for a three-month facility. If we were building this today I think we would build an indoor/outdoor pool that people can use 12 months a year. If we do design Program 1 we can go with this or just build the outdoor portion. It allows us to get refined costs and a design that the community can review.”
Karen Brew agreed, saying “Spending $38 mm for three months a year is a lot. With creative bonding I am hopeful we could make this (Program 1) work.”
Trustee Jeremy Gans said, “I am skeptical of true community demand for a year-round facility. But $38 mm is a lot for a 3 month facility so I think we should design Program 1 and we can scale it back if we decide not to move forward with the indoor pool.” Gans also favored building some irregular shaped pools to align with the contours of the property.
Trustee Sameer Ahuja said, “I favor Program 1, but I will not be voting on any of this. (His term expires in March.) We need to be thinking about making the kids happy. This is a town. Our property is worth $10 billion. A great facility will improve our properties even more. Remember why we are doing this. It will be a nationally recognized facility in a nationally recognized town.”
Karen Brew said, “the seniors also want it,” and Gruenberg said, “the seniors want to be able to swim at a Scarsdale facility.”
Mayor Arest said, “I think we have consensus to move forward with Program 1.”
Asked about next steps, the architect explained, “Schematic design will give us dimensions, layouts, elevations, and views from different angles. We will have actual measurements for our cost estimates. Next we will select materials. Then we will go into construction documents – for further refinement. When we have the schematics, we will need to decide between Program 1 and Program 1A.”
Village Manager Alex Marshall said, “Once we have the schematic, we can present it to the Health Department and they will tell us how many people we will need to run it. We can also look into management companies to run the pool.”Wilson and Sons donated a new clock to Scarsdale Village.
Paul Zaicek, the Director of Capital Projects for the Village said, “We might lose two summers – we don’t know yet. We might be able to phase it to have some of the pools open.”
In other business, earlier at the work session, the Board heard a budget request from the Scarsdale Business Alliance for $20,000 to organize and execute robust Sunday activations including the farmer’s market, live music in the Village, family fun activities, pet events and more.
And at the Village Board meeting that followed, the Mayor opened by acknowledging Holocaust Remembrance Day and the celebration of the Lunar New Year for the Year of the Snake.
Village Manager Alex Marshall reminded residents that the second payment of their school taxes is due no later than January 31. She said taxes could be paid in person at Village Hall, online or by mail.
Trustees approved a resolution for $14,000 for a fire alarm upgrade at the Supply Field building to be done by Scarsdale Security.
Another resolution was approved for 46 Lincoln Road where two lots have been subdivided into three lots. The contractor is replacing an underground drainage pipe with a new pipe and the resolution calls for the new property owners to clean and maintain the drainage pipe. If they fail to do so, the Village can do the work and charge it back to the owners.
Trustee accepted a gift of a four-sided Verdun manufactured clock, including maintenance andinstallation from Wilson and Sons Jewelers to be placed on East Parkway in the Village Center. The existing clock will be moved to Depot Place. The new clock was donated in honor of Wilson and Sons 120th year in business.
Trustees approved the scheduling of the annual 15K and 4-mile road race to be held on Sunday April 6 through Fox Meadow and Greenacres.